
The Enduri are a Species of Space-faring humanoids genetically branched from humans. After many generations in space they have adapted to a low-gravity environment. Adaptations that have become traits are: Increased height and limb length. Weaker bone density than normal humans. A much higher fine motor control of their musculature in line with zero-g or low gravity movement.   Their skin tends to be darker, helping them combat radiation, and their cells are more resilient to most forms of space radiation. Slower cell cycles mean the enduri live about twice as long as normal humans.   The Enduri have also adapted a second eyelid that shades their eyes from direct sunlight. Their primary eye has genetically adapted to thrive in darker environments so this second eyelid protects them from bright light.   The Enduri have no home planet. They are nomadic and prefer low or no gravity environments. They form caravans of space ships that travel together throughout the system, Only splitting off for jobs or resources.   Some Enduri have taken jobs throughout the galaxy requiring specializations suited to space, primarily the Order of the Stellar Architects and Astral Cartographers. Rarely will you find them part of any military as the Enduri people are typically averse to the ownership or command of systems, preferring a sense of stewardship for the next generation and a reliance on a communal way of life.
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