Fountain Life Sciences FLS

Fountain Life Sciences, the largest and most profitable pharmaceutical corporation on Nox has been studying the ecology of Nox and struck gold when it discovered a unique method for refining the carnivorous plant toxin. Once refined, this toxin turns into the ironically named, “Nectar”. Nectar’s value cannot be overstated. Nectar was originally formulated as a drug for heavily Augmented individuals, as it was discovered to completely negate the negative side effects of cybernetics in the body, allowing people to go further than ever before with testing the limits of human and machine synergy.   While this aspect of Nectar was what started Fountain’s ascent to one of the most powerful corporations in the system, it is its other application that the drug is most renowned for. Individuals whom do not have heavy augmentation, with semi frequent application of Nectar, can extend their life 1.5 to even over 2 times their normal lifespan. It is this aspect of Nectar that has catapulted Fountain to one of the most powerful, and treasured corporations amongst the rich or politically aligned.


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