House Veeki’ree

These scholars and stargazers are Skee’kil’s foremost experts on the worlds beyond the sulfur sea. Often seen as mystics among the Kree’ik of the Skii’ari basin, they construct and own the broadcast towers that relay and receive signals from elsewhere across Kree’skiir and beyond.


Origin Story of House Veeki'ree of the Kree'ik Species

  Long before the celestial upheavals that reshaped the fabric of the Agitare Nexus galaxy, in an era defined by the tranquil glow of the star Novastra at the galaxy’s heart, there existed divine entities whose narratives shaped the cosmos. Among these, the primordial force of Chaos, formless and omnipotent, bore two significant entities: Kree, known as the Mother, and Iri, revered as the Father.   For aeons, harmony prevailed in the celestial realms, as Kree and Iri governed the cosmic balances of creation and order. During this epoch of peace, Kree, inspired by the melodies of the cosmic winds, birthed a new race from sound and essence: the Kree'ik, a bat-like humanoid species embodying her gentleness and the serene whispers of the universe.   While Kree celebrated her creation, Iri harbored a growing resentment, his heart clouded by jealousy. He demanded the destruction of the Kree'ik, fearing they might overshadow his legacy. Kree, bound by an indomitable love for her progeny, refused, choosing instead to shield them from Iri’s wrath.   Discovering her defiance, Iri's rage knew no bounds. In his fury, he conspired with Chaos to craft a dire retribution. From the depths of the void, Chaos bestowed upon Iri a devastating weapon, one that would sever Kree’s connection to her cherished children. The celestial confrontation culminated in a cataclysmic explosion, a cosmic echo resonating across the galaxy, scattering the Kree'ik to its distant fringes.   As the dust of stars settled, the Kree'ik found themselves adrift, isolated on the sulfurous sea of Kree'skiir, far from the nurturing light of their mother. The once bright connection dimmed, leaving Kree’s love a distant, faint whisper amidst the galactic expanse.   In the solitude of their new home, nestled high upon the volcanic rim of the Skii'ari basin, House Veeki'ree arose, scholars and mystics among their kin, gazing ever skyward. Driven by a celestial need to reconnect with Kree, they constructed towering broadcast towers, their spires piercing the thin veil of the planet's atmosphere.   The Veeki'ree interpreted the pulsations of the Way, the ethereal tendrils of energy strewn across the galaxy by Kree in her ceaseless quest to reach her scattered children. Each ripple and wave, they believed, carried the soothing echoes of Kree’s love or the ominous tremors of Iri’s lingering spite.   Thus, House Veeki'ree dedicated themselves to the interpretation of these cosmic messages, living as translators for the stars. To outsiders, their practices seemed steeped in the rituals of a cult, their insights drawn from the rarefied air they breathed atop their secluded monastic observatory. Yet, to the Veeki'ree, this was a sacred duty: to listen for the maternal whispers of Kree, to guard against the shadows cast by Iri, and to preserve the tales of their origins for generations to come.   This lore became the bedrock of their identity, a beacon guiding the Kree'ik through the darkness, always searching, always listening—for the Way was not just a power but a pathway home, a bridge spanning the vast loneliness separating them from the celestial embrace of their mother.
Educational, Scientific Institute


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