Jeremiah Kretch, "Shogun"

Jeremiah Kretch, callsign "Shogun" is the leader of Daikatana Cybernetics private Security Squad Katana. He gave the orders that eventually led Squad Broadsword being given clearance by necessity to Daikatana's restricted labs. It was this decision that led him to also give the order to fully eliminate Squad Broadsword upon completion of their objective of securring the lower levels during a conflict with the Nox Liberation Force.  

Daikatana Corporate Asset Dossier:
Jeremiah Kretch, callsign "Shogun" (CA#016847S-CS)

  Corporate Position: Cybernetic Security Squad Leader, Squad Katana.
Corporate Clearance: A.
Corporate Augs: Integrated.
Operative Training: Augmented CQC, advanced weapon systems, tactics, recon, assassination.
Primary Asset Functions: Leader of Squad Katana. Frontline combat tactics and engagement. Target neutralization. Interrogation.
Asset Status: Active.
Known Associates: Squad Katana, Eric McLeod callsign: “Mace.”
Current Whereabouts: Classified.
Associate Whereabouts: Classified.
Squad Status: Deployed.


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