
A ship-handling wizard and danger addict   You are the crew’s speed demon and “get out of trouble” card. When the Chips are Down and the Legion is on your tail, there’s nobody else they’d rather turn to. There’s no vehicle you can’t overdrive, no canyon on an alien planet you can’t navigate through. You might be a hot-rodding show-off or calm and cool behind the helm. You might take desperate risks or thrive when the chips are down. But you’re always ahead of the pack.  

When you play a Pilot, you earn xp when you address challenges with speed or flair.

If it drives, punch the gas. If it flies, see if you can do a barrel roll. It’s your show.   How’d you get so good with ships? What’s the most risky stunt you’ve pulled off—and who knows about it? How did you get an Urbot? Are you fearless, or just very, very good?    

Playing a Pilot

Those who spend their lives driving ships across the vast expanses of space, running from pirates and Galactic Union forces alike, have a need for speed. You have a unique ability to push into and past danger, relying on your skill and your ship to come through in the end. Whereas the Mechanic may be what keeps the ship in shape, you’re what gives the ship purpose. More than a few Union holo-vids have been about a hotshot pilot and their ship.   As the Pilot, you’ll be of central focus when the ship needs to be maneuvered on the job. But Helm is not confined to ships alone. A dirt bike, hovercar, even an alien beast being ridden can be HELMED just as well. Whatever your getaway vehicle, Helm has you covered.   Where did you pick up your piloting skills? Did you fight for the Legion but ran into trouble with the law? Have you grown up amongst racers and always loved the spotlight? Perhaps you quit a respectable job hauling ice for a bit more excitement. Remember to bring those influences into your descriptions of piloting. Talk about the crisp military maneuvers you use to shake a pirate or the way you vent storage in order to correct a hard burn.   While HELM handles most piloting Actions, consider how you might move fast in other ways. Perhaps Scramble when you’re on foot, and Sway for fast-talking.   For Veteran abilities, consider picking up the Mechanic’s Fixed ability to keep your ship safe in fights. For total speed-demons, look at the Scoundrel’s Daredevil ability.


Xeno Pilots are usually associated with xeno ships. If you pursue the option, ask your GM about modifications that you might be able to make to your ship, or unusual upgrades your people might have access to. When developing your people, think of ways their piloting might be affected by having uncommon senses (perhaps they can see gravity or other spectrums), or unique ways of interfacing (such as direct neural connections).   Also think about how those adaptations may make it difficult for you in other contexts. If you have electrical impulses that manifest when you manipulate a device, perhaps you’re not one to have around sensitive computer arrays. At the GM’s discretion, such limitations may grant you the gambits you’ll need for your inevitable daring escapes (see Xenos in Play, page 296).


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