
When you recover, you seek treatment and heal your harm. You might visit a doctor who can stitch your wounds. Roll (crew quality-1) to see how available and effective the doctor you can hire is. A crew member can roll their DOCTOR action instead, if they tend to your wounds (the healer doesn’t take the recover action—healing is mostly rest). You can treat yourself but it will cost 1 stress to do so.
  When you’ve received treatment from the recover healing clock action, clear all level 1 harm. If you have harm remaining, advance your healing clock (on your character sheet, just below your harm tracker) according to your recovery roll (crew quality or DOCTOR action): 1-3: one, 4/5: two, 6: three, critical: five segments. Even with the best roll, healing wounds takes time. Remember to add +1d to your roll if you enlist a crew contact to help.
  When your healing clock is filled, remove all harm. If you suffer further harm before you finish healing, reset your healing clock.
  On the last job, Captain Xandra Starblaze took some cuts (level 1 harm), a blaster burn (level 2 harm), and a broken hand (level 2 harm). She gets treatment (recover downtime activity) from Doctor X’thul. She rolls crew quality-1 to recover (a single die), and gets a 4. She removes the cut (level 1 harm) and advances her healing clock two segments. She has the special ability Flesh Wound, so she marks three more segments, putting her at five. Xandra’s player may spend one more CRED to improve the outcome and clear all wounds, or she can take another downtime activity to recover again and finish off the clock.
  The Stitch has a special ability called Patch—they can DOCTOR someone to temporarily relieve the effects of harm. With a successful action, the treated PC ignores their current harm penalties for the day.
  If your character becomes lost when overindulging their vice, they leave play for a while (a few weeks of in-game time, or more). When they return, they have healed any harm they had. You may voluntarily choose for your character to become lost—maybe you want to play a different PC while this one recovers, or you’ll miss a few sessions, so it’s a good time for your character to disappear for a while.


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