
When you STUDY, you scrutinize details and interpret evidence. You might gather information from documents, newsfeeds, and books. You might do research on an esoteric topic. You could try to examine events to understand a pressing situation. You might closely analyze a person to detect lies or true feelings (but CONSORT might be better). You could deduce a person’s intention to kill you (but ATTUNE might be better).   GM QUESTIONS
  • What details do you scrutinize? What kinds of things are you looking for?
  • What do you hope to understand?
  When you STUDY, you concentrate on small details—expressions, tone of voice, innuendo, tiny clues—to find what’s hidden, determine facts, corroborate evidence, and guide your decisions.   You can use STUDY to “read a person”—this is a gather information roll to judge whether or not they’re lying, what they really want, what their intentions are, etc. (See the list of questions you might ask on the bottom of your character sheet.) When you STUDY someone in this way, you can ask the GM questions while you interact with them if you want, so you might wait until they say something fishy, and then ask the GM, “Are they telling the truth?” If you want to know if someone plans to attack, you might instead want to ATTUNE to sense killing intent.   You can also STUDY a situation or a place. Finding clues, finding out who’s in charge, figuring out why the gang you’ve worked with before is acting fishy might all fall under a STUDY roll, assuming the information is there to find.   When you have all the data available to you, but you need to make sense of it, STUDY is the appropriate action. Occasionally, it may be questionable if you have all the right data. For instance, you may need to ATTUNE to sense the weird Way energies at a house before you can STUDY their pattern, or you may need to HACK into the mansion’s security system before you can STUDY the guards’ patrol schedule.   Research of all kinds (often a long-term project) uses STUDY. Want to find out who has an interesting Ur artifact collection and inadequate security? Want to know where the Memish rebellion hangs out? Virtually any fact can be discovered through STUDY.


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