Planet Xanith, once a bustling and prosperous world, now stands as a desolate wasteland, feared and shunned by all who hear its name. The Galactic Union, driven by the utmost caution, has quarantined Xanith due to a cataclysmic event known as the "Soulfire Catastrophe." It is said that a powerful and ancient artifact, sought by misguided individuals, was unleashed, causing an uncontrolled surge of energy that ravaged the planet. The aftermath left the atmosphere tainted with a volatile energy field, twisting and distorting the very essence of life. Those who dared venture to Xanith have reported nightmarish encounters with grotesque manifestations of their own fears and regrets, a direct result of the distorted energy permeating the planet. The tales of madness, haunting apparitions, and unexplained disappearances have instilled deep-rooted terror, making Xanith a place best left untouched, its mysteries and dangers hidden behind the veiled quarantine.