Moonlight Plague

Remember the Black Death? I wasn't there, but some still do, with shivers running down their spine. The ultimate flamboyance of Alen and the one that led to his demise, the amount of death it caused was unheard of since the dark age of magic. Luckily it has been eradicated along with his creator and its remnant, the Alengale, rampages only one place at a time.


At the same time, there was another disease, as lethal and merciless. A natural disease, although occult. And this one has not been cured yet, mostly due to the difficulty of the diagnosis. Not very contagious but with a long incubation time, some people cross the point of no return before even knowing they are ill. As it name implies, Moonlight Plague only shows its early symptoms under the white rays of the moon.


Pale Death


The early onset is quiet. No cough, no fever, only a slight rash. Eventually, the itch gets worse, but is still indiscernable from any other illness. The victims can die weeks or month after contracting the plague without every knowing it, having for sole belief a relatively short agony.


When exposed to moonlight, the afflicted person will see areas of their skin glowing white, as if reflecting the selene rays. As the disease progresses, these glowing areas grow larger and larger until covering the whole body, and this is where the body fails. A large variety of herbs and medicine can slow the progression, but only one real cure exists, and not a cheap one.




Cover image: Roofs of London by Rumengol via MidJourney


Author's Notes

The ripped page effect before the Treatment section didn't work, and I really don't want to deal with CSS shenanigans right now. Please just pretend the section is ominously ripped off.

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