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Colorful, radiant, and uniquely fluid in motion, cnidari are among the most exotic lifeforms native to the Amaranthine Sector. A curious mix of radial symmetry and amorphous structures, they appear to be made up of semifluid luminous strands or tendrils extruding from a small central body. Cnidari tendrils are both sensory and locomotive, and no distinction is made between purposes beyond physical convenience, making them effectively omnidirectional.

Basic Information


Truly without directional structures, a cnidari fully splayed out might resemble an exotic pollen or coral, with countless appendages radiating from a surprisingly small central body - little more than a knot in the center of the web.

Genetics and Reproduction

Cnidari reproduce sexually, giving live birth to clusters of wormlike juveniles.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous filter-feeders, though out of water they are known to prefer soft foods without much need of chewing.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All of a cnidari's appendages are identical, containing hydraulic musculature and distributed sensory organs, lightly distributed along the full length but heavily clustered at the tips. Cnidari seem to be able to perceive visually - light, color, depth, shape, same as any traditionally sighted species - but how this information is organized cognitively is a mystery.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Cnidari are capable of communication through color and gesture, as well as a form of limited telepathy, the latter most helpful when speaking with non-cnidari.
Known Individuals
Average Height
4' radius from center when fully extended; 8' diameter.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Cnidari are covered in bioluminescent chromatophores, and never seem to stick to one color for more than a few seconds. Quick flashes of lines and patterns are instrumental in communication between cnidari, and are also used in "body language" when communicating with outsiders.

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