Conflux Geographic Location in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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A planetary system circling the black hole known as Conflux. Consists of two terrestrial bodies, a water giant, and an asteroid belt.


Notable Bodies

  • Erebus, a molten world in the process of being torn apart by Conflux.
  • Dis, a molten world a few millennia from joining its closer sibling.
  • Charybdis, a titan world with a thick, dark atmosphere.


  • A derelict outpost of unknown age and origin.


  • Limbo, a precarious but mineral-rich cluster of asteroids. The primary rock, Limbo LL8832-66, hosts an abandoned mining camp.
  • The Shattered Horizon, a lagrangian debris field rumored to be the domain of a powerful Paracausal Entity.

Fauna & Flora

None whatsoever, not even any passing Cosmozoan.

Natural Resources

Despite its central location in the sector, Conflux has not been heavily mined or scavenged due to persistent rumors of powerful alien entities and a handful of high-profile disappearances.

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