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Midyim Austromyr

Metric Midyim Austromyr

Midyim Austromyr was born on 6th Hunt, 3562 IE, in the midsize fishing village of Hunat in the Karellan Empire. From a young age, she demonstrated notable talent for magical practice, and she decided as she grew that she would need to pursue and educate that talent. In her twoct-first year, her parents sent away to the Imperial Academy at Kitet for an admissions assessment, which Midyim passed readily. She left for the Academy in the Hellraising of 3603, hoping to return to Hunat with an Arcanist's and set up shop as the village's resident mage-in-practice.
This plan changed over the course of her first term. The mindset of aggressive inquisition being promoted in her Elements of Arcanima course, taught by the young Metric Parsnip Pasternak, took quick root in her mind, and before her first term was over, Midyim was certain she would pursue her education all the way to a Metric's. She received her Arcanist's in 3610, marked with distinction for her grades, and re-enrolled for the graduate program to begin in 3611.
Somewhat unusually for graduate students, Midyim signed up for a lab in her first term of graduate study. She carried on with Metric Viburnum Tago's enchantment lab until the end of her second year, when Metric Parsnip's alchemy lab posted an opening for the coming term. As Midyim had been on the waitlist for that lab since her graduate study began, she was the first candidate asked to join, to begin at the start of her third year. In Parsnip's alchemy lab, she found a real calling for her work, and found that her own style of study and experimentation was astonishingly compatible with her instructor's; Parsnip was known to be difficult to work with, and her labs rather frequently experienced drop-outs or transfers. It was during this time that she began to develop a crush on the older woman, which she dismissed as harmless fantasy.
When Parsnip was asked to begin work on what would become the Realmbridge, and her labs were closed off with the rest of her courses, Midyim wasn't sure how she was going to fill the rest of her last term. She missed working alongside Parsnip greatly, but did not feel she could transfer to another lab so close to her graduation. When she was contacted by the Ministry of Security, and told she'd been requested for Parsnip's new project, she was overjoyed - and, when told she would be working primarily for the Ministry of Security, and was to report any unusual behavior on Parsnip's part directly to the Magista, she agreed immediately. She knew that Parsnip could be idiosyncratic in her methods, and realized that if any was going to be reporting on her behavior, they ought to be someone who knew Parsnip well enough to know when she was actually transgressing - and decline to mention when she genuinely was not.
Realizing that Midyim's graduation was imminent, and with it the need for her to leave the Realmbridge project to work on her metrical, Parsnip bullied High Metric Mombin Spond into granting the young woman her Metric's, with its corresponding crestwork, early. She convinced him that the Realmbridge itself could serve as a retroactive Metrical, but that she needed Midyim present on the project, with crestwork. Further, as Midyim had no source of income without her academic stipend and did not possess the savings to live in Kitet for that long, Parsnip convinced the High Metric that he should extend her an offer of employment, with tenure, if only to keep the girl from finding a better position elsewhere. Mombin agreed, on the condition that her salary would be paid into a trust until she began teaching, and he refused to grant Midyim a Manse with her employment until she took a classroom role. Parsnip agreed to these terms, announcing that Midyim would be moving into her own Manse once her crestwork was complete.
As the two continued to work together, Midyim's bubbling crush became far less of an innocent fantasy, as she realized she was beginning to fall in love with Parsnip. She tried to make advances multiple times, always leaving herself the out to explain her behavior as a joke, which proved necessary each time Parsnip reacted harshly to the prospect. As their work continued into the new year, Midyim found herself growing irrationally jealous when Parsnip sought out romantic partners other than her. This jealousy came to the forefront when she returned from her crestwork operation, ready to move in, only to learn that Parsnip had taken up with a Magus named Karkalla Brotus in her absence. The two remained for more than half a year, to Midyim's growing chagrin However, Midyim took solace in the fact that she had been appointed to represent the Imperial Academy - and, with it, all Karellan arcane education - on the Realmbridge's flight to Masjet.
When Parsnip appeared to fall into obsession with the explication of Silphion's spell, to the point that even Karkalla left her, Midyim became seriously concerned for her health - as well as the risk to her continued association with the project. After Parsnip explained the basis for her suspicion to her, Midyim made her first and only report of suspect behavior on Parsnip's part. She explained in her report to the Magista that Parsnip's behavior was entirely due to unallayed suspicion, and recommended that her mentor be brought in and spoken with, that her fears might be set to rest and she could resume forward progress. It was Midyim's hope that official intervention would work to clear Parsnip's mind. When Parsnip returned from her visitation with Magista Rewi, still dead-set on deconstructing the spell and bolstered by official imprimatur, Midyim felt slightly at ease - even if Parsnip was still frustratingly set on her course, she would not be risking reprimand or removal for it.
When the Realmbridge was complete and ready to take flight, Midyim was instructed to continue observation of Parsnip even overseas, and if necessary, to corroborate any suspicions and coordinate action with their Security-appointed bodyguard, Conker Karavanda. Though displeased with the idea, she agreed to do so, knowing that Parsnip's actions and motives were above reproach.
When the Realmbridge began to fly too high, and it became apparent that they would miss their target, Midyim leapt to the defense of her mentor against the diplomat Comfrey Symphyt's accusations. After Comfrey jumped out the escape hatch, nearly suffocating the lot of them from lack of air, she took prompt action to wall the hatch in with walls of tri-e. Midyim also put her childhood fishboat experience to work, weaving hammocks for the crew to sleep in, as they settled in for a potential lifetime aboard the vessel. When Conker confronted Parsnip a week into the flight, echoing Comfrey's suspicions and accusing her of deliberate sabotage, Midyim jumped to her defense once more. Conker insisted that Midyim couldn't possibly have been able to spot if Parsnip was a foreign saboteur, and Midyim insisted that it was her job to do so, calling Conker's attention to the codeword clearance for the Parsnip investigation. Conker lashed out violently at the revelation that Midyim had been working for Security and still allowed this to happen, proclaiming that she had doomed them with her biased attachments at best, and was an active saboteur herself at worst. When he attacked, Midyim defended herself and Parsnip, and with the aid of the artist Bael Marmel, she forced Conker out the hatch and off the ship.
Though Midyim was glad to have defended the woman she loved, Parsnip's reaction was cold. She could not believe that her assistant and roommate had been spying on her the entire time, and reporting on her actions. Parsnip refused to directly address Midyim for the better part of a week, spending her time quietly seething or trying to engage with Bael. Realizing that she had alienated the woman she cared about most, Midyim fell into a depression, and started to grow irritable in the closed quarters of the Realmbridge.
Thankfully for her, Parsnip soon grew ill from want for her draught. It took a shouting intervention from Bael to push them to work together on a substitute, but once they begun, the two alchemists quickly developed a plan for the brewing and turned out a fresh dose. Sitting with Parsnip while she waited for the draught to take effect and alleviate her symptoms, Midyim ventured forth a little small talk, and soon the two were pouring out their feelings about their entire history. Midyim tried to explain that she was only working with Security to protect Parsnip, and though Parsnip still thought she was out of line to do it, she was willing to recognize the difficulty of the situation. As the night went on, their talk turned to their feelings about each other, and Parsnip admitted that she'd become fond of Midyim as well. By night's end, the two were coupled, having finally sorted out their emotion and accepted the other's feelings.
When the artist Bael Marmel left the ship a week later, the two clung closer to each other for support. Over time, they developed a bit of a domestic routine, even willing to say that they were content to live out their days there. It was, unfortunately, not to last. When the Plane returned from behind their Sun, relative to the viewpoint of the Realmbridge, the two turned their enchanted spyglass on their homeworld, only to find that events viewed through it were more than a month behind what they witnessed in scrying. Parsnip immediately began investigating the difference, noting over days that it widened the farther they drew from their world, and soon had the beginnings of a calculation of the speed of light - not that they knew quite what they were measuring. Midyim saw the shape of the conclusion rearing its head in front of them, and asked Parsnip to leave it be, but Parsnip persisted. Soon solving the equation, Parsnip realized that there was a hard limit to the speed at which anything can pass through space, and it took only a moment's more consideration to realize that they were only a few short months away from that limit.
That revelation, confirmed by hard calculation, was too much for Midyim. Though Parsnip saw the limit as a deadline for their escape, Midyim realized that it was actually a death sentence. As the dread of her impending demise loomed, it took her only a moment's thought to realize what she had to do. Midyim told Parsnip that she couldn't live with the fear of what was to come, counting down days and hours until their death, and that she'd chosen to end things on her own terms. Parsnip begged her to reconsider, but Midyim was firm; if she stopped and gave it a day to think over, she would never again be able to summon the resolve. In a flash, she froze Parsnip to the floor in a binding of complex ice, remembering from their first dinner together that Parsnip had difficulty bringing the Void to bear to remove such holds. She told Parsnip that she was not going to leave her with guilt, the lurking thought that Parsnip might have been able to stop her. She begged her lover to keep living and working, saying that she knew, if a way home actually existed, only Parsnip would be able to find it. She told Parsnip that she loved her more than she could stand, and that she only wished that love was enough to overcome her fear. She gave Parsnip one last, lingering kiss. And then, over the older woman's cries, Midyim fled out the Realmbridge's hatch and into the choking Void beyond. She was throct five years of age at her death.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In her life, Midyim was active and athletic, though she could never quite manage to shake a little bit of excess weight. As an undergraduate, she participated in the Academy's intermural handball team.

Body Features

Midyim's entire body is covered in short, dense, soft fur, dark blue with patterns in sea green. Her fur bears leopard-pattern spotting across her body. She has four fingers on each hand, and four agile toes on each long foot. Her tail is long, softly furred, also striped, and entirely prehensile.

Facial Features

Midyim's large red eyes can dilate to nearly the full width of their sockets. Her nose is strongly bridged, covered in solid blue fur. She has two large, vertical green patches covering her eyes, extending from her ears down across her eyes and terminating along the sides of her nose, near the nostrils. Her ears are long, at the top of her head, with green spotting on their backs and short green tufts at their tips.
She has six incisors between her cuspid teeth, which are long and sharp. Her lower cuspids have an enclosed groove on the rear, to allow for the injection of a mild paralytic poison from a vestigial gland in the throat. She has carnassial molars.
Midyim's hair reachest slightly past her shoulders, and is typically worn in an asymmetrical pattern, with three short braids covering the right side of her head and the rest of her hair brushed to the left.

Identifying Characteristics

Midyim has a series of small scars along her left calf, from an incident in her youth where she was bitten by a large fish.

Physical quirks

Midyim is an obligate carnivore, like the rest of her people. Although omnivorous, she requires a regular intake of animal protein to survive. In times of scarcity, she is able to get by on conjured meat, if she absolutely must.

Special abilities

Midyim has full mastery and knowledge of hachets of spells, and instinctive understanding of the crestwork to use them. She is a gifted enchanter, and a brilliantly inventive alchemist.

Apparel & Accessories

Midyim prefers dresses that rise above her knees, typically with some kind of sash or cape to flourish. When the weather dictates, she will cover the dress in a short leather jacket, to keep her shoulders and arms warm.

Specialized Equipment

Midyim tends to keep her money and papers in a small purse, worn over the shoulder.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Midyim is binary female. Her pronouns are she, her, and hers.


Midyim is a gay woman. She enjoys the company of women, and feminine nonbinary people on a case-by-case basis.


Midyim received both her Arcanist's and her Metric's from the Imperial Academy at Kitet. Due to special circumstance, her Metric's was granted early, pending completion of the Realmbridge to serve as her Metrical project.


Though officially in the employ of the Imperial Academy at Kitet, Midyim transitioned directly from her studies to full-time work on the Realmbridge. She never taught.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Realmbridge was to be Midyim's seminal accomplishment, but in that project's failure, she passed without notable merit.

Intellectual Characteristics

Midyim is bright and creative, with a sharp mind for analysis and expression. She is at her best when reasoning inductively, coming to quick conclusions and then checking that she was right.

Personality Characteristics


Midyim is a deeply passionate woman, prone to romantic daydreaming. She falls quickly for people she finds attractive, and rushes to make the first move. When uncertain, she tends to resort to humor as a defense mechanism, to the point that it can be difficult to distinguish her idle teasing from genuine nerves. She naturally trends towards a dominant role in her relationships.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

For all that Midyim enjoys to tease, she tends to fall apart into nervous sputtering when someone turns it back on her.

Likes & Dislikes

Midyim adores seafood. Growing up in a fishing village, she never wanted for fresh catches to eat, and will jump at any opportunity to try a fish (or shellfish) cooked in a way she's never had.


Family Ties

Midyim's parents still live in the village of Hunat. She had not seen them in some time when the Realmbridge launched.

Social Aptitude

Midyim is outgoing and extroverted, with a great deal of personal confidence. She is quite attractive by conventional standards, and takes pride in flaunting that. In matters of romance, she is aggressive and persistent.


Though Midyim has lived for a long time in the erudite environs of the Academy, she still carries her childhood among the coarse language of fishers and seafarers with her. She code-switches regularly, frequently for emphatic effect.

Wealth & Financial state

Midyim grew up working-class, her parents both fishers in Hunat. As a student in Kitet, she lived almost hand-to-mouth, barely able to stretch her stipend to cover on a month to month basis.
Chaotic Rascal
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Midyim holds the title of Metric, but does not try to make a big deal out of it. She believes she won't have really earned it until the Realmbridge is successfully complete.
Circumstances of Death
Stepped willingly into the Void.
A midwife's house in the village of Hunat, on the northern coast of the Karellan Empire.
Current Residence
Until the launch of the Realmbridge: 3rd Floor West, Silphion, The Manses, Kitet, Karellan Empire.
A deep maroon
A bright coral orange, undertoned in tangelo, with native highlighting in apricot
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark blue fur, leopard-spotted in sea green
5'7". Which is to say, fict seven inches.
Approximately fict six pounds.
Known Languages
Midyim possesses native fluency with the language of the Karellan Empire, and has vague memories of an undergraduate seminar in the language of the Masjet Plains. She can read and write the glyphic alphabets perfectly.

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