Multitools Technology / Science in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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A 'multitool' is a handheld device, typically with a pistol-style form factor, with an array of built-in or modular functions. Multitools are quite common due to the amount of utility they provide in a compact and intuitive frame.

Common Multitool Functions

  • Cutting laser
  • Entanglement beam
  • Welding torch
  • Hyperwave scanner
  • Magnetic grapple
  • Mining laser
  • Short-range bolt driver
  • Short-range bolt remover
  • Dent puller
  • Crystalline alignment tool
  • Compass
  • Entrenching tool
  • Stellar sextant
  • Flare gun
  • Personal flotation device
  • Energy-link
  • Holographic projector
  • Leveling tool
  • Stud finder
  • Screwdriver
  • Electric screwdriver
  • Flashlight
  • Rangefinder
  • Water purifier
  • Can opener
  • Gun
  • Gun 2

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