Session 15: Breaking the Blockade, part 2 Report in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Session 15: Breaking the Blockade, part 2

General Summary

Confronted with the blockade around Sycia 7, the crew turns to an age-old maxim: "If you can't beat them, Join with them." With their fluid compatriot freshly resleeved and in possession of a shiny new spaceship to smash up, it's time to solve a fifty year old mystery... what really happened to the Galliot? Was it skeletons? Let's be honest, all the evidence points to skeletons.   [SESSION LOG]   Bej presses some buttons. Parker flies into a region of peril... an area of misfortune... a zone of danger. Parsnip draws upon her past experiences.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Delivered Gera's message to Officer Naru!
  • Gained access to the Galliot crash site by bodysnatching Officer Naru!
  • These are not mutually exclusive. Speedrun tactics~

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
05 Feb 2020
Primary Location

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