Session 16: Lair of the Verdant Wyrm Report in The Amaranthine Sector | World Anvil
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Session 16: Lair of the Verdant Wyrm

General Summary

Delving deep into the wreck of the Diasporan colony ship Galliot, the crew secures their prize. But before they can make good their escape, the mysterious presence haunting the crash site - the Verdant Wyrm - attacks! Can the Hedron crew survive, let alone figure out how to exorcise a giant bone dragon? Well...   [PREFACE: A TALK WITH ILOS]
[SESSION LOG]   Bej cuts it footloose. Parker engages Death Blossom mode. Parsnip lights up the night.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Secured the Seed Bank!
  • Defeated the Verdant Wyrm's physical form!

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
11 Feb 2020
Primary Location

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