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The Lynching Stage

"Another poor soul strung up, then."   The aard woman looked upon the crowd gathered at the foot of Beel's Tail. Sure enough, as she raised up on her toes and looked over the mass of bodies, she spied a young woman dangling from a rope tied around her foot. On either side, Concord Knights. Behind her, a stage, likely set by the arms of the state. A crowd, a near lifeless body, and a half-dozen men with flogs standing on a raised platform.   "What'd they lynch this one for?"   A middle-aged alk man in a tattered robe walked up behind the aard woman. "Heard they sacked a couple a' folks a few weeks ago at the Ill Head, somethin' to do with one of 'em bein' Chosen."   She gasped, and a handful of those near her shushed him. "Not while the Knight's are here, old fool! You wanna get us strung up next?"   The alk man shook his head, stroking his horns. "Oh, they'll string you up for less, 'specially if you make a deal outta somethin'. Now, was this 'bout one a' them Chosen, too?"   A telk man— not older than his 20's— came over in a hushed voice. "A-aye, apparently she got caught up movin' the Chosen from one bit to the next, might've even had 'em using a fake name for a time."   The alk shook his head. "Those 'clopses might mean well inspirin' folk, but there ain't no overturnin' what's in place here. The Houses've stood over this place for a hundred years— they were here when I was born, they'll be here when I'm dead."   A shout rang from the stage.   "By the decree of the Six High Houses of the Concord," one of the knights began in a coarse voice. "This one Allini Kol has warranted a public beating, ere she be executed properly, as the consequence for aiding the extremists who cling to the legend of the so-called "Gardener's Chosen" is unilaterally, absolutely, death in the public square. Please, allow us of the Concord Knights to thank you good people of Beel for acting as willing and gracious hosts."   The telk man spit.   The knight walked toward the center of the stage, standing directly in front of the hanging woman. The limesteel plates on his armor reflected in the hot sun. "And we offer a truly special thanks to the brave soul who sniffed out this rat and reported her to the authorities. Our informant has decided to remain anonymous, claiming that they believe such actions to be a mere civic duty, and asked for no thanks other than the village's continued cooperation and vigilance when dealing with potentially violent deviants."   "It was that rök bastard with the ledger, wasn't it." the aard woman chimed. "I'd seen him peeking around before, just looking to sell someone out."   The alk shook his head. "Young fools who think by throwin' their peers under an iron they'll get somewhere with the Houses... might as well've just signed up to the damn knights. 'Least then they've got the guaranteed meals."   "The particular crime of this one," the knight continued. "Has to do with the passing on of aliases. If you have observed any among your fellow townspeople who do not seem as though they belong..."   He paused, scanning the crowd. The mass stared back, unblinking.   "...then note that they may be the one this criminal was hiding. In fact, our contact first realized that the one in hiding was connected to the woman we have brought before you by using her name. This particular member of the Gardener's cult is clever— they hide behind the names of their allies, so that when we come knocking, we know only to find those who they work with instead."   The knight slowly drew up an executioner's sword from his back. The metal was tempered black, and the blade short, shaped in the form of a crescent. "By the authority granted us by the Six High Houses, we now set an example of all those who commit these atrocities, in the hopes that they teach others to never repeat their offenses."   The knight bowed before the audience, and then, with a flourish, turned on his heel, spun around, and struck. The crowd was silent, and the thud rang across the square. Red spilled off the stage. He turned back to crowd, blood slightly sprayed across his helm.   "Should you come into contact with a red-haired felc woman, you are to inform the Concord Knights immediately. Any pertinent information, including aliases she uses, wares she steals or purchases, and destinations she is bound for will serve as valuable tips. We have no qualms rewarding those who bring adequate information, and your contribution will be heavily valued to the Six Houses."   The knight took a final bow. "Once more, we of the Knights thank you, people of Beel."   The knights gathered at the center of the stage in a line, marching off single file. The crowd began to murmur.   The aard offered a silent prayer. The telk balled his fists. The alk could only stare.   "They wouldn't even offer her a grave."   And with that, the crowd dispersed, and the young woman's head was left to rot in the sun upon the lynching stage.


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