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Larrasu Temple

The Larrasu Temple is the current headquarters of the Larrasu Order, warrior monks that operate without borders but respect territories where governments do not want them operating. On occasion, they do advise leaders through the continent on matters of magick, war, and history.   The temple and island it sits upon was granted to the order by the Kingdom of Snagria approximately 700 years prior, not long after the Snags subordinated the Kingdom of Kasetia. The Order operated from a series of safehouses prior to that. The temple was in a ruined state when they received it. It is administered by the High Council, the ruling body of High Lords who oversee the order. It is also the primary location for training of new hopefuls.


The Larrasu Temple contains a primary gatehouse leading to the courtyard which leads to the main door into the temple proper. The wall surrounding the temple holds two smaller gates that usually remain locked and guarded at all times while the temple itself has a rear basement entrance and one side entrance in addition to it's main door. In addition to these doors and gates, there is a hidden passageway that is highly secured with multiple locked doors throughout it which starts in the basement and leads to near the shoreline, hidden among a rock outcropping and overgrowth. The secret tunnel is guarded from the door inside the basement.


Members of the Larrasu Order inhabit the temple itself, with built in housing. Some members of the order choose to inhabit the external buildings in the courtyard and outside the external walls with the hopefuls, which aren't members, that assist the order. Hopefuls-in-training generally are kept within the external walls in order to ensure their safety during their first 2.5 years. Many members of the order, however, are either assigned across the Ancestor Isles or traveling and on missions, which means they do not inhabiting the temple at those times.
Alternative Names
Larrasu Citadel, Cathedral of the Larrasu
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Ghostyhappy (Comissioned, full ownership: DraagaxG)


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