Archangeli's Gazetteer

Archangeli has a total of 15 different provinces spread throughout the kingdom.


Arashi is a large province in south Archangeli with a population of over 7 million and average temperature of 55°F. Its noble governor is a man named Alexandrite Peridot.   Population Density
  • Urban: 2,287 (0.03%)
  • Rural: 7,267,667 (99.97%)
  • Total Population: 7,269,954


Baoshi are a group of 3 small islands off the east coast of Archangeli with a total population of over 30 thousand and an average temperature of 64°F. The population of Baoshi are mostly nomads who travel from one place to another and for this reason it does not have a noble governor of its own. Instead falling under the jurisdiction of its neighboring province Tangerine’s noble governor, Solar Winter.   Population Density
  • Urban: 0 (0%)
  • Rural: 36,375 (100%)
  • Total Population: 36,375


Carnation is a medium-sized province in the south right on the southern edge of Archangeli’s largest lakes Crystal and Showey Lake. Carnation has an average temperature of 64°F as it is mostly temperate deciduous forest with small bits of seasonal tropical rainforest in the center and bits of temperate rainforest in the north and south. It has a population of over 3 million and its noble governor is a woman named Sophia Dragonic.   Population Density
  • Urban: 105,241 (3.5%)
  • Rural: 2,928,643 (96.5%)
  • Total Population: 3,033,884


Cerulean is a small sized province in the far north along the coast with a population of over 2 million and an average temperature of 46°F. Cerulean’s noble governor is a woman named Maysá Páthos. This province is home to a popular tourist destination, Twilight Peak, a small coastal town on the eastern coast of Cerulean.   Population Density
  • Urban: 14,826 (0.66%)
  • Rural: 2,224,073 (99.34%)
  • Total Population: 2,238,899


Chestnut is the largest province in Archangeli and covers most of it, meaning that it is located in numerous biomes and has an average temperature of 45°F in the north and 64°F in the south. Chestnut has a population of over 13 million and its noble governor is a man named Xavier Eatifi.   Population Density
  • Urban: 15,372 (0.11%)
  • Rural: 13,888,999 (99.89%)
  • Total Population: 13,904,371

Crystal Rock

Crystal rock is a large province in the south right on the southern edge of Archangeli’s largest lakes Crystal and Showey Lake. Crystal Rock is largely located in a temperate rainforest biome but it does have some small patches of temperate deciduous forest and wetlands. The average temperature is 69°F. Crystal Rock has a population of over 4 million and its noble governor is a woman named Yasmin Najma.   Population Density
  • Urban: 247,384 (6.033%)
  • Rural: 3,852,805 (93.967%)
  • Total Population: 4,100,189


Fabula is a medium-sized province in the west of Archangeli and the most important province within the kingdom as it is home to its capital city, Amethyst. Which earned it the nickname Amethyst county. Running through almost the entire province is the Dragon River, a very infamous river that is featured in many of Archangeli’s folk tales and mythology. In this river is Dragon’s Fall, a well-known waterfall. Fabula is also home to Archangeli's most infamous town, the town at the bottom of Dragon’s Fall. Fabula has an average temperature of 55°F and a population of over 7 million. Its noble governor is a twin duo named Luna and Draco Deamona.   Population Density
  • Urban: 5,765,480 (75%)
  • Rural: 1,832,689 (25%)
  • Total Population: 7,598,169


Kurai is a large province in the north east with a population of over 4 million and an average temperature of 55°F. It is home to one of Archangeli’s most popular destinations for tourists, White Magic City. Another famous river, the Āfan river and because it is named after the goddess of the sky, it is a popular tourist destination. Within Kurai’s borders is a small lake known as White Magic Lake, a freshwater lake to the north of White Magic City. It is also home to Emerald Lake, a small lake in the east. Kurai’s noble governor is a woman named Samantha Morte.   Population Density
  • Urban: 271,384 (5.8%)
  • Rural: 4,376,803 (94.2%)
  • Total Population: 4,648,187


Moonlight is a large province located in the north west with a population of over 5 million and an average temperature of 50°F. Its noble governor is a woman named Daisy Mulberry.   Population Density
  • Urban: 91,901(1.8%)
  • Rural: 4,920,969 (98.2%)
  • Total Population: 5,012,870


Tangerine is the second largest province in Archangeli and is in the far east. It covers a large range of biomes and has an average temperature of 55°F in the north and 63°F in the south. Tangerine has a population of over 12 million and its noble governor is a man named Solar Winter.   Population Density
  • Urban: 93,261 (0.7)
  • Rural: 11,911,097 (99.2%)
  • Total Population: 12,004,358


Viridis is a small province near central Archangeli in the east and has a population of nearly 100 thousand people and an average temperature of 64°F. Its noble governors are a duo named Allison Morte and Aquila Draco.   Population Density
  • Urban: 82,429 (8.5%)
  • Rural: 884,531 (91.5%)
  • Total Population: 966,960


Voleur is a medium-sized island just off the north coast of Archangeli just north of the Fabula province. It has a population of over 200 thousand and an average temperature of 50°F. Voleur is the home of one of the most infamous criminal organizations in Archangeli, the Pirates of Voleur. In fact its noble governor is the leader of this organization, a man known as Captain Atlas November, the baron of the Isles.   Population Density
  • Urban: 15,081 (6.2%)
  • Rural: 227,696 (93.8%)
  • Total Population: 242,777


A small island north of Voleur with a population of 28 thousand and an average temperature of 45°F. Its noble governor is also Captain Atlas November.   Population Density
  • Urban: 11,264 (40.2%)
  • Rural: 16,775 (59.8%)
  • Total Population: 28,039


Marauder is the collective name of two small islands right next to Latro. Marauder has a collective population of 3 thousand and an average temp of 45°F. Like Baoshi the people who live here are mostly nomads who travel from one place to another and for this reason it does not have a noble governor of its own. Instead falling under the jurisdiction of its neighboring province, Latro and Voleur’s noble governor Atlas November.   Population Density
  • Urban: 0 (0%)
  • Rural: 3,355 (100%)
  • Total Population: 3,355


Sun is a small island just north of Voleur and is mostly just rainforest. Sun has an average temperature of 50°F and a population of over 19 thousand. Like Marauder people who live here mostly nomads who travel from one place to another and for this reason it does not have a noble governor of its own. Instead falling under the jurisdiction of its neighboring province, Latro and Voleur’s noble governor Atlas November.   Population Density
  • Urban: 0 (0%)
  • Rural: 19,369 (100%)
  • Total Population: 19,369


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