House Páthos

House Páthos, descendants of Morgona Le Fay, stand as a venerable and influential noble lineage with deep-rooted connections to both political realms and the criminal underworld. Renowned for their longstanding presence in the corridors of power, members of House Páthos have historically held esteemed positions as politicians and military leaders, earning them both fear and respect from the populace.   Despite their formidable reputation and shadowy associations, House Páthos occupies a nuanced position in society. While they may instill apprehension in the hearts of many, they also command a profound level of reverence for their formidable intellect and unwavering resolve. Unlike the altruistic leanings of House Nightmare or the self-serving nature of House Deamona, House Páthos navigates a middle ground between benevolence and self-interest.   In their interactions with others, members of House Páthos exhibit a complex blend of kindness and ruthlessness, wielding their influence with discretion and strategic foresight. They are known to extend generosity when it serves their interests, yet they are equally capable of employing ruthless tactics to achieve their goals when necessary.   As stewards of a legacy that spans generations, House Páthos embodies a formidable presence in the political landscape, commanding both admiration and wariness from those who cross their path. Theirs is a lineage steeped in intrigue and power, where every action is calculated with precision and every decision carries weighty consequences.

Members of House Páthos

Countess Maysá Páthos

Countess Maysá Páthos, known as Pride of the Knights of Blood, is the noble governor Cerulean, a province in north Archangeli. Aside from being a noble governor, Maysá is also the leader of the Knights of Blood and the youngest child of Lady Aisha and Lord Qadir Páthos.

Horus Páthos

Horus Páthos, known as Greed of the Knights of Blood, is the eldest child of Lady Aisha and Lord Qadir Páthos and a member of the Knights of Blood.
Family Leader


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