House Silvermoon

House Silvermoon, descendants of the legendary wizard Merlin, holds a prestigious and influential position as the royal family of Bellum. Renowned for their intelligence, magical prowess, and ancient lineage, they have played a significant role in shaping the kingdom's history and culture.

Members of House Silvermoon

King Malachite Silvermoon (née Tanzanite)

Malachite wasn't born a Silvermoon and in fact married into the family, which would have made him Queen Angel's prince consort had she not advocated for him to be the reigning ruler of Bellum and the current patriarch of the Silvermoon family. While he is known for his cunning and ruthlessness he isn't a tyrant and in fact respected and admired by his subjects for his unwavering dedication to the welfare of the kingdom and his commitment to upholding its traditions and values.

Queen Angel Silvermoon

Queen Angel, as a true born Silvermoon, is the granddaughter of Queen Nora Silvermoon, one of the most beloved rulers in recent years. She is known for her beauty, grace, and kindness and can often be seen in the Palace gardens taking care of the roses. She plays an active role in charitable endeavors and social causes, using her influence to advocate for the welfare of the kingdom's citizens.

Prince Levi Silvermoon

Prince Levi Silvermoon is the grandson of Queen Nora Silvermoon and the younger brother of Queen Angel. He is known for his playfulness, often seen roaming the capital city enjoying life. Levi plays an active role in supporting his sister in all of her charitable endeavors and social causes.

Princess Zerenity Silvermoon

As the eldest daughter and heir to the throne, Princess Zerenity holds a position of great importance within the royal family. However, her mysterious disappearance some time ago has made her younger sister Victoria the new Crown Princess of Bellum.

Princess Victoria Silvermoon

Princess Victoria exudes elegance and refinement, embodying the epitome of royalty. She is known for her musical talents and can often be found in the palace's music room, captivating audiences with her performances.

Princess Blake Silvermoon

Princess Blake, as the adventurous member of the royal family, is always seeking excitement and freedom outside the confines of the palace. Often adventuring into the woods with her horse, Snowflake to ride around her hours at a time. She adores the freedom that comes with being a quote unquote "spare".

Princess Phoenix Silvermoon

Phoenix shares her twin sister Blake's love for adventure and the outdoors. She finds solace and joy in nature, often venturing into the woods surrounding the palace for exploration and hunting.

Princess Amber SIlvermoon

Affectionately known as "Queenie," Princess Amber brings energy and excitement wherever she goes. And despite her mischievous nature, she is beloved by the castle staff for her infectious enthusiasm.

Princess Clementine Silvermoon

The youngest member of the royal family, Princess Clementine is a shy and introspective child who enjoys spending time in the palace gardens with her mother. She possesses a quiet grace and innocence.


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