Octavia's School of The Gifted

Octavia’s School of The Gifted is a private magical academy for the supernatural located in a town called Acadia Pine in New York state. The school was founded by Octavia Dawnless in 1680, seventeen years after the Bellum Cinere, otherwise known as The War of Ashes. A war between the magical and non-magical that resulted in Merlin sending almost all magical creatures to the planet of Majjia. The remaining magical beings went into hiding, founding the Council of Dray which funds and staffs Octavia's.


The headmaster of the school is a man named Alexander Love-Heart and as headmaster he oversees all aspects of the school, from academic policies to student welfare. Alexander represents the academy in dealings with the Council of Dray and ensures that the school operates smoothly. He is known for his wisdom and impartiality, balancing the needs of each faction with the school’s overarching goals. The deputy headmaster Jack Love-Heart, Alexander's younger brother, assists Alexander in the day-to-day operations of the school. He handles administrative tasks, manages the implementation of policies, and steps in for the Headmaster when necessary. Jack also coordinates between different departments and faction leaders to ensure harmony within the school.   The Academy is split into 7 fractions; fae/witch faction, vampire faction, werfolk faction, merfolk faction, draconic faction, celestial beasts faction, and the enchanted constructs faction. Each faction has a leader who students go to with problems retailing to their species, and a small building of their own featuring a cafeteria, dorms, common rooms, and specialized classrooms. The main building has the main cafeteria, the main offices and normal classrooms.   Octavia’s is a mixed grade academy with students from 5th-12th grade all coexisting together. Which is why instead of referring to students by grade they refer to them by their year. 1st years are 5th graders while 8th years are 12th graders with every other grade falling between the two. Similar to factions, each year/grade has a headteacher that functions like a school counselor.


The culture at Octavia’s School of The Gifted is a rich tapestry woven from the diverse backgrounds of its magical student body and staff. The diversity of its staff and student body is largely celebrated by the school with each faction having its own customs, values, and traditions. Each faction even has their own annual festival celebrating its unique culture and traditions. These festivals include special magical competitions, feasts, and historical reenactments. Interaction between factions are highly encouraged with school-wide events like magical duels, academic competitions, or collaborative projects being held regularly. Each year there are events specific to that year such as initiation ceremonies for new students, end-of-year galas, and other milestones in a student’s journey.   Octavia’s blends classic academic rigor with a forward-thinking approach to magical education. While students adhere to a traditional uniform and rigorous academic standards, they also have the freedom to explore innovative magical practices and personal expression. This balance between tradition and modernity is reflected in the school’s curriculum, which integrates time-honored magical teachings with cutting-edge research and experimentation.

Public Agenda

Octavia’s School of The Gifted is dedicated to nurturing the magical potential of its students through a blend of tradition and innovation, fostering a diverse and inclusive community where every magical being can thrive and contribute to a harmonious world.

Most Well Liked Staff Members

Headmaster Alexander Love-Heart

Alexander Love-Heart is the youngest headmaster Octavia’s has ever had and is one of the most well-liked members of the staff. He is kind, wise, excitable, and playful with a known mischievous streak. Alexander personally plans out school wide events for the students and is often seen around the school doing various tasks for various reasons. The man is almost never in his office so students and staff alike have taken to looking all over the school for him before even thinking of checking his office. Alexander isn’t strict and will more often than not meet students where they are at and do his best to get to the root of the problem instead of just punishing them and going about his day. Alexander carries about treats that he’ll randomly give out to students he sees are doing well.

Deputy Headmaster Jack Love-Heart

Jack Love-Heart, the younger brother of Headmaster Alexander Love-Heart, acts as the perfect counterpoint for his brother’s lively, mischievous nature. Known for his calm, composed demeanor, Jack is much stricter in his approach but remains a beloved figure among students for his gentle kindness and unwavering patience. No student has ever heard him raise his voice let alone display an emotion worse than mild annoyance, mostly aimed at his older brother's antics. Jack’s quiet authority and level-headedness command respect, and students appreciate the consistency and fairness he brings to his role. In addition to his duties as deputy headmaster, Jack also serves as Octavia’s history teacher, a role he approaches with the same methodical precision. His passion for history and dedication to teaching are evident in his well-structured and engaging lessons, often bringing to life the ancient battles, magical lore, and significant events that shaped the supernatural world. Jack’s classroom is known for its calm and quiet atmosphere and students will often drop by to study there during free periods.

Headteacher Levi Deathly

Headteacher Levi Deathly is an anomaly among the staff, standing out both for his laid-back demeanor and his illustrious background. A member of House Deathly, the most prominent vampiric clan and leaders of vampiric society, Levi’s choice to turn down the role of Vampire Faction leader and instead serve as the 6th Year Headteacher is seen as both unconventional and admirable. Charismatic and perpetually relaxed, Levi is known for his ever-present headphones, blasting an eclectic mix of music from hip-hop to rock. His casual appearance—ripped jeans, old band t-shirts, and combat boots—contrasts sharply with the more formal dress code embraced by other staff members.   Despite his laid-back attitude, Levi is highly respected for his ability to connect with students and ensure they feel heard and understood. Though he might be found texting his daughters or napping at his desk when class begins, Levi’s students know that beneath his relaxed exterior lies a deep commitment to his role as both headteacher and dark arts instructor. He has an effortless way of making even the most complex and dangerous topics accessible and engaging, often fostering an open and comfortable learning environment where students feel free to ask questions and express concerns. His unorthodox teaching style and genuine care for his students make Levi a beloved and influential figure at the academy.

"Scientia in Tenebris Lucet"


Octavia’s School of The Gifted is set within a picturesque and expansive campus on the outskirts of Arcadia Pine, blending traditional charm with magical wonder. The central main building serves as the hub of the academy, housing the main cafeteria, administrative offices, and a mix of traditional and modern classrooms. Surrounding this are specialized faction buildings, each uniquely designed to reflect the needs and characteristics of its respective faction—ranging from the fae-inspired gardens and aquatic-themed merfolk areas to the gothic vampire lounges and draconic fortresses. The campus also features a vast library, athletic grounds, and personalized dormitories for each faction, enhancing the students' academic and extracurricular experiences. Outdoor spaces include enchanting gardens and mystical forests, creating a serene environment for relaxation and magical practice. Overall, the campus combines functional design with whimsical elements, offering a supportive and immersive setting for students to explore their magical potential and forge connections with their peers.

School Information

School Colors: Black, Gold, White
School Mascot: Eagle
Number of Students: 1,200

Main Staff

Headmaster: Alexander Love-Heart
Deputy Headmaster: Jack Love-Heart
1st Year Headteacher: Nova Wastion
2nd Year Headteacher: Ciel Waston
3rd Year Headteacher: Spirit Green
4th Year Headteacher: Rowan Elmsworth
5th Year Headteacher: Angel Jones
6th Year Headteacher: Levi Deathly
7th Year Headteacher: Amara Smith
8th Year Headteacher: Nina Day
Faction Leaders
  • Fae/Witch Faction: Eleanor Lion
  • Vampire Faction: Roy Ferrari
  • Merfolk Faction: Riza Madelyn
  • Werefolk Faction: Jake Cullen
  • Draconic Faction: Onyx Obsidian
  • Celestial Beasts Faction: Serenity Braveheart
  • Enchanted Constructs Faction: Sherlock Waston
Founding Date
September 7, 1680
Education, Magic
Alternative Names
OSG, Octavia’s, Dawnless Academy, Dray’s Nest
Parent Organization

Daily Schedule

7:00 AM - 7:30 AM: Morning Arrival / Homeroom Students arrive on campus, go to their faction common rooms or homeroom, and prepare for the day. During this time, faction leaders and headteachers can check in with students or give daily announcements.   Morning Classes
7:30 AM - 8:25 AM: Period 1 – Core Academic Class (Math, History, Science, or Language Arts)
8:30 AM - 9:25 AM: Period 2 – Magical Studies I (Dark Arts, Elemental Magic, Enchantments, or Potions)
9:30 AM - 10:25 AM: Period 3 – Faction-Specific Class (Vampire Lore, Shapeshifting for Werfolk, Merfolk Studies, etc.)
Morning Break
10:25 AM - 10:40 AM: Morning Break Students can grab a snack, relax, or socialize in the common areas or outside. Some may choose to study or check in with a headteacher.   Mid-Morning Classes
10:40 AM - 11:35 AM: Period 4 – Core Academic Class (Second academic subject like Social Studies, Literature, etc.)
11:40 AM - 12:35 PM: Period 5 – Magical Studies II (Magical Creatures, Transfiguration, Rune Magic, etc.)   Lunch
12:35 PM - 1:25 PM: Lunch
Students can eat in the main cafeteria or their faction cafeteria. This time is used for socializing, relaxing, or casual meetings with faction leaders or friends.   Afternoon Classes
1:30 PM - 2:25 PM: Period 6 – Practical Magic Class (Defense Against Magical Creatures, Spellcasting, Alchemy, Combat Magic)
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Period 7 – Physical Activity / Gym Class
Students engage in faction-specific or general physical activities such as flying practice, swimming, or strength training.
3:05 PM - 3:30 PM: Period 8 – Faction Meeting / Free Period
Dedicated time for faction meetings, where students can gather with their faction leaders to discuss issues, upcoming events, and receive guidance. Students without a meeting may use this time for free study, extracurricular clubs, or relaxation.   3:30 PM: Dismissal
Students are dismissed from school and can return to their dormitories, participate in after-school activities or clubs, or prepare for the next day’s lessons.
Character flag image: Octavia's School of The Gifted's Logo by CelestiaNightamre16


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