The Dreamer Family

The Dreamer Family, tracing its lineage back to the legendary Merlin, once held esteemed status comparable to that of House Silvermoon and House Nightmare. Over time, however, their influence has waned, relegating them to relative obscurity in the eyes of all but the most ardent history enthusiasts. Despite their diminished prominence, the Dreamers have left an indelible mark on society as pioneers in fields such as medicine, education, and science. Their contributions, though perhaps underappreciated by the masses, have significantly shaped the world of Majjia for the better. If their legacy were more widely recognized, they would undoubtedly be revered for their transformative impact on the planet.

Members of The Dreamer Family

Orion Dreamer

Orion Dreamer, patriarch of the Dreamer family, embodied kindness, gentleness, and warmth, defying stereotypes associated with his werewolf heritage. Tragically, his life was cut short in a work-related accident in 2159, leaving behind his grieving wife, Rosabella, as a widow, and his children, Kylie and Sirius, bereft of a beloved father figure.

Rosabella Dreamer (née Hawthorne)

Rosabella Dreamer epitomizes kindness and compassion, striving to provide for her family despite facing financial challenges, particularly after her husband's passing. Despite limited means, she ensures her children are cared for, sacrificing her own comforts to meet their needs and desires.

Kylie Dreamer

Kylie Dreamer, the eldest child of Rosabella and Orion, radiates brightness and curiosity at the age of 13. Her passion lies in the arts, harboring aspirations of becoming an artist in the future. Strongly bonded with her younger brother Sirius, Kylie's affection knows no bounds, and she readily extends herself to support and care for him in any way she can.

Sirius Dreamer

Sirius Dreamer is the youngest child of Rosabella and Orion. He is an extraordinarily intelligent 11 year old who often gets looked down upon because of his disability, he’s mute and partially deaf. Despite this Sirius is an excellent marksman who dreams of being a doctor when he grows up.
Family Leader


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