The Phantasm Family

The Phantasm Family, descendants of the legendary Robin Hood, stands out as one of the influential non-noble families in the realm. Much like House Nightmare, the Phantasms are renowned for their benevolence and active involvement in various initiatives aimed at uplifting the common people. However, their extensive connections to the criminal underworld and occasional resort to extreme measures to aid the populace have left public opinion divided. While many view them as benefactors who do more good than harm, some noble houses hold reservations about their methods.   At the helm of the Phantasm Family is Michael Phantasm, who leads Nightmare, a rebel faction founded by his father, Jonathan Phantasm, following the demise of Sally and Jack Nightmare. Nightmare staunchly opposes High Queen Blood Spill's reign, operating outside conventional political channels. Employing guerrilla tactics and acts of sabotage, Nightmare strives to undermine Blood Spill's authority and effect regime change. Although regarded as radicals by certain factions, Nightmare finds support among those disillusioned with the existing political order, yearning for substantive transformation.
Family Leader


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