Academy of Enigmas

The Academy of Enigmas is the formal name for the recognized dweomer-crafting guild in the Kingdom of Auredain. While it was founded as a small school for magical training in the early years of the kingdom it has grown into the de facto magical association as well. The Academy is the only magical organization with a legitimate presence within Auredain and full recognition and respect from the Crown.
  The Academy is not a monolithic or staid organization. It has little interest in monitoring its members or looking over the shoulders of others at any given time. The Academy serves primarily as a means to foster and centralize magical power in the event that the kingdom requires it. This was its primary goal and, being on the border of civilization, this remains its prime directive. The Academy has changed over the years and there are members within it seeking a more rigid and invasive organization but this has been resisted by the majority with little trouble.
  The Academy, as a whole, is made up of secretive arcane workers who mainly want to be able to advance in their studies and projects. This is reflected in the Academy’s approach to policing its own and being involved in the outside world. It barely is. There is no permanent enforcement group, permanent tax collector, or many other official positions that are common to all organizations. These positions are created and filled by word of the Arch-Magister as needed and filled out either through volunteers or appointed without consultation.
  The Academy will go decades without seeing a member without inquiring once about their activities so long as their dues and tithes remain up-to-date. Even if tithes drop off, if a member remains current on dues, the Academy is unlikely to look into their affairs unless they gather information that the member is breaking laws or engaging in activities that bear unfavorably on the Academy.
  In other words, the Academy rarely initiates anything against a member. They do so usually only in response to a complaint from the kingdom or another member. Even when a fellow member complains, the Academy is slow to act and quick to skepticism.
  Given the laissez faire attitude, there are pitfalls as activity that was ignored for years may suddenly become a liability if it was of questionable character. This is one of the reasons that the Academy may arbitrate all determinations of the character of arcane activities within the Kingdom. They care little about the activities so much as the methods used within them.
  As a guild, many individuals refer to it as the “Enigmatic Order” or its members as “Enigmatics".


The hierarchy of the Academy is based on an academic approach with several individuals being granted authority and responsibility over various subject areas. These individuals are subject to the highest officer, the Arch-Magister.



Academy Chairs (Magisters)

Academy Chairs are referred to by their title or by the title of Magister coupled with their sphere of influence.

Brown Chair (Affairs of Knowledge; The Librarian)

Grey Chair (Affairs of Justice & Members)


Throne Chair (Kingdom Affairs)


Green Chair (Affairs of the Land)

Red Chair (Affairs of War)


Other Titles




High Mage


The Academy of Enigmas was founded by two dweomercrafters after the establishment of the Kingdom of Auredain. One of these arcanists was SIEMA AL THORIAE, a powerful Half-Elf who had fled the northern kingdoms during the Taking. The other arcanist was an unassuming man by the name of NEVARAN. Both arcanists had used their magics to assist the refugees flooding into the region and were considered local heroes. Etc etc.


Tithes & Dues

Dues are based on superior ranks within the Academy. (See Above).
  The tithes required by the Academy consist of a 1/20th tax on all goods, materials, and works produced or sold by a member. This tithe also applies to all professional work engaged in by the Academy member pursuant to contract. The Academy takes the position that all magical workings and endeavors taken up by a member benefit from the Academy membership and, as such, the Academy is owed a portion of any renumeration.
  A loophole in this tithing system is looting and plundering (ie. Adventuring). The original exclusion of this was to discourage the Academy from promoting aggressive actions and involvement in private conflicts in order to benefit materially. With the rise of adventuring, the Academy hierarchy has been considering a change to the tithing to include such activities.
  It should be noted that decisions of the Academy have been made regarding specific endeavors that resulted in an assessment of the tithe on adventuring income in the past. These have been levied in certain situations where a member drew directly on Academy resources to succeed at their endeavor.
In 101 YA, Ekathios of Heraldsport, a Mage in good standing with the Academy, independently sought the resting place of the Belligerent Codex along with his company of adventurers. In doing so, Ekathios utilized the Library and other resources of the Academy to determine its location and possible obstacles to its retrieval. Upon its successful retrieval, the Academy hierarchy summoned Ekathios to surrender a tithe on the valuables recovered during the expedition. While Ekathios failed to avoid the tithe by proclamation of the Arch-Magister, he did set a precedent that the shares of his companions were not subject to the tithe as the Academy had no claim to their property. However, given the nature of the Belligerent Codex, the Academy ordered that the arcane tome be handed over to the Academy at the time of his passing in consideration for that interpretation.

Service To The Crown

All sworn members of the Academy must respond to a Crown Summons for War or Wisdom. While the latter Summons is often requested only of the Academy itself and answered by the most knowledgeable Chair, the former Summons To War requires all sworn members to join their brethren and assist in any war effort as determined by the Arch-Magister.
  This Service obligation has become a tense subject in recent years as there have been several incidents of local lords pressuring member-magi with their obligation. The Academy has petitioned the throne and received its support but no censure upon such nobles has ever been pronounced which does little to stem the behavior. While refusing a local noble’s requests under the Service requirement will not be punished, as the Academy feels that it is solely to the Crown, doing so can have serious day-to-day consequences.
  Proscribed Workings
A member may not engage in arcane workings, research prohibited by the Academy. This mandate includes using arcane abilities to support activities that are prohibited.
  Examples: Crown Treason, Insurrection, divination of the future of the royal family, permanent enslavement of Named peoples, intentional creation and/or dissemination of cursed arcane works within the kingdom, and others.
Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
Enigmatic Order, The Enigmatics, The Academy
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories


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