The practice of slavery was prohibited under many of the Old Kingdoms after a general societal push against it. It was a cornerstone of the Mantherian Empire and the Theran Empire before it. It was practiced in many different expressions depending on the location but the business withered away and many domains prohibited it entirely. With the Taking, that has changed and the vile business of buying & selling of people has risen its ugly head again.
The need for labor, the lack of laws and protection for decades, and the cruelty inherent in all souls has caused slavery to be tolerated again in many places. Opponents rail against it as they believe it shows the Named Races have adopted the inhuman practices and appetites of the Takers. Those who support it, which varies from domain to domain, scoff at those notions but mind themselves carefully nonetheless. Regardless, slavery has taken hold in a number of domains.
The need for labor, the lack of laws and protection for decades, and the cruelty inherent in all souls has caused slavery to be tolerated again in many places. Opponents rail against it as they believe it shows the Named Races have adopted the inhuman practices and appetites of the Takers. Those who support it, which varies from domain to domain, scoff at those notions but mind themselves carefully nonetheless. Regardless, slavery has taken hold in a number of domains.