
The baz'e is a highly intelligent cephalopod species with one goal in mind -- universal destruction. They don't care who gets in their way; as long as they complete their mission, they will do whatever it takes to complete it. Created by Rhojun, the Chaotic, they have always been chaotic, just like their creator. The baz'e travels through space in search of the one their master desires -- a powerful celestial that has yet to come into their powers.

Basic Information


As a cephalopod, they have an elongated soft body with large eyes, eight arms, and two tentacles. A set of four fangs is hidden within the arms. Due to their massive size, their elongated body contains three hearts in random places with the rest of its organs wrapping around the hearts to protect them. They also secrete an oozy slime that is toxic to touch.


The baz'e are aggressive to the point that they will kill their target upon sight. However, there are times when a baz'e feels like playing with its victim. If they have a lot of time on their arms, they'll lure their victim into a false security, believing that the baz'e is harmless. When in reality the baz'e is planning to kill them when they least expect it.   The baz'e have a telepathic ability to communicate with those around them. With this, they can make demands before they enter a planet's atmosphere. Though, this has backfired on planets with knowledge of the baz'e.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The baz'e have no known home, opting to travel through space. Those who have dealt with them know they prefer the Omega Leporis System but have recently been spotted in the Zeta Palioxis System.

Average Intelligence

The baz'e are considered geniuses who like a challenge. Many beings are outsmarted by the baz'e, unable to predict what the baz'e's next move will be.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They are also known for sensing arcana, making it impossible to sneak up on them in a ship as at least one arcana caster is always aboard a ship. The stronger the arcana, the easier it is for a baz'e to sense the caster and pinpoint its location.

Table of Contents

by KiFoKu (Pixabay)
Scientific Name
Average Height
18 -19 meters (60 - 62 feet)
Average Length
73 - 75 meters (240 - 248 feet)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The average baz'e comes in many neutral colors of brown, green, and beige, but there are baz'e that have been orange, red, blue, and purple.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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