

The kucoon are an alien spider species only found on Discord, their size standing up to a dozen feet tall. They are considered highly dangerous by anyone who happens to see one and has managed to escape the realm. Those who survive are said to carry trauma from seeing such horrific creatures.
Aren't the kucoon badass? With their sheer size, they're formidable enough, but pack in that venom and their raptoid-like hunting skills, and you got an elusive arachnid! I would love to meet one someday. 
Oliver McKinney about the kucoon

Basic Information


Their bodies are made up of a type of metal that most weapons can barely graze. The metal is unknown, causing quite a stir when the armored exoskeleton was first discovered. The typical laser blaster does not cut through the armor, which is roughly a few inches thick. A plasma cutter was the only thing capable of harming a kucoon, yet its screams of agony triggered the rest of the nearby colony to attack. It's just best to avoid fighting a kucoon altogether.   They have eight long legs, with four on each side, and a pair of foot-long fangs that combat any mortal blade. Inside their abdomen contains their heart as well as other vital organs. Despite its massive size, the kucoon doesn't suffocate, nor struggle to climb and maneuver about.

Genetics and Reproduction

A female spider reproduces by entering a mating cycle by releasing pheromones that attract male kucoon from far over. These pheromones are so thick that they can be seen in the air when it rains. The mating cycle lasts for a month to ensure a chance that the female kucoon finds a suitable mate and becomes pregnant. Upon getting pregnant and laying a sac of eggs that carries about 1,000 baby kucoon, the female kucoon will then kill the male kucoon and feed off him for nutrients while she takes care of the sac, which hatches in about two months.

Growth Rate & Stages

At birth, a baby kucoon is about the size of a 15-in computer, and is clear white, revealing all its inner organs. The baby has yet to grow into its armored protection, leaving it weak and defenseless, and in need of its mother until it reaches adolescence. Not all baby kucoon make it to this stage; about 35% of kucoon survive due to starvation or getting eaten by their siblings.   A kucoon enters adolescence by shedding its white exoskeleton to reveal a shiny black armor-plating of its new exoskeleton. From here, the adolescent kucoon can start learning how to hunt and spin its silky steel webbing to create its own nest in the future.   An adult kucoon sheds its adolescent exoskeleton to reach its final size — the massive form that towers over most mortals. In this state, the kucoon ventures out and sets up its nest somewhere in the colony, while waiting for a mate to come by.   An elderly kucoon molts for the final time and clambers away from the colony to the higher peaks of the cliffs to wait for the lightning storms to take them. The elderly kucoon don't live long, roughly up to a week if no storms roll in.

Ecology and Habitats

The kucoon live within the massive canyons created by the lightning storms. Within the canyons are holes dug out to resemble intricate cave systems that are littered with kucoon webbing. The cave system connects like a web and allows the colony of kucoon to live in content together. The kucoon use their nest as a trap to lure in prey and get them caught in the webbing, as they wait for their prey to calm down to wrap them up for a meal sometime later.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The kucoon don't need to feed that often, especially if they have a big meal. However, the Eternal Hybrid will open portals to the canyon to ensure large enough prey enters the realm for the kucoon. Each kucoon gets a chance to capture the prey and feed. Thanks to the Eternal Hybrid, there usually is enough prey to hunt as the Eternal Hybrid selects planets where sentient species do not live. Though, humans, traex, and other mortals have found themselves trapped on Discord.

Biological Cycle

The temperature doesn't fluctuate on Discord all too much, leaving the kucoon to continue living peacefully without needing hibernation. The kucoon molts once a year with major molting happening at the major stages of life -- adolescence, adult, and elderly.

Table of Contents

by Amelia Nite (CreArt)

300 years
Average Height
Male: 10 ft (304 cm)
Female: 10 ft, 6 in (320 cm)
Male: 12 ft (365 cm)
Female: 12 ft, 6 in (381 cm)
Average Length
Male: 15 ft (457 cm)
Female: 15 ft, 6 in (472 cm)
Male: 17 ft (518 cm)
Female: 17 ft, 6 in (533 cm)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most kucoon have black exoskeletons throughout most of their lives while the baby kucoon have white, translucent exoskeletons. The elderly kucoon have their exoskeletons turn a translucent black, weakening and making it easier to die.
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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