Lunis Curator Station

The Lunis Curator System is a space station located above Inerth. It acts as a safety net in case anything happens to the world, sort of like a backup plan for if the world died like Vosov. The plans for the build were announced by Alpha Lucian McClain in early Judash 2257 EoND, but it wasn't finished being constructed until the 4th of Sihm that same year.
The Lunis Curator Station, ma'am. It is home to all lifeforms and the place to be in times of refuge. Some say that it was built in honor of Alpha Lucien McClain, who was the werewolf that convinced Bavara, goddess of the Moon, to relent on her hatred toward Vavheia, goddess of the dark.
— Iva Green explaining the station


The population is split based on the faction they were raised in. The werewolves were on the higher floor and separated by pack, with the Horn Pack being the highest and the Storm Pack being the lowest. Class ranking also plays a factor with the wealthy having access to better-furnished homes and the lower classes getting more cramped homes.


The Federation Alliance runs the station, allowing those who represent the packs, kingdoms, empires, circles, etc. to decide what happens with the factions. A couple of leaders are Senator Keith Cheonsa and Representative Jack Arric. Once a month, they have a hologram meeting where they discuss what has been happening in the territories and how to better handle the Church of Holy Light's attempts to take control of the land.


The station has a massive built-in weapons system designed to keep threats away, such as the baz'e or the Red Scarves. They have a laser beam and advanced artillery guns built along the hull and bridge of the station. A shield system is in place for when ships attack, providing enough defense to block up to fifteen laser beam shots.   A few fighter ships are located in the docks, awaiting the time danger approaches and the Armored Soul Division sets out to stop the attackers. A team of repairmen is on standby in case the ships come back with excessive damage.


Each floor holds a different district, making sixteen floors in total, and is clustered together by the highest-ranking faction.  
Floor District Leader
Bridge Floor -- --
Communications Floor -- --
Medic Floor -- --
1st Floor Horn Pack Alpha Roden
2nd Floor Claw Pack Alpha Yang
3rd Floor Vain Pack Alpha Caledon
4th Floor Storm Pack Alpha Rokomo Williams
5th Floor Eastormel Kingdom King Irate Nightingale
6th Floor Whitstone Kingdom King Iroh Nightingale
7th Floor Wintershold Kingdom King Vasska
8th Floor Iredale Kingdom King Razo
9th Floor Vespon Empire Queen Faunus
10th Floor Xuchien Empire Queen Silvine
11th Floor Tashen Empire Queen Xyila
12th Floor Bluiso Empire Queen Amadahy
13th Floor Azura Circle Mage Nakendra
14th Floor Ozon Circle Mage Kiandra
15th Floor Zuros Circle Mage Elior
16th Floor Atreau Circle Mage Gwydion Egyn
Shopping Floor -- --


There is a whole floor dedicated to shops and other fun activities. A small docking bay is located on the same floor for restocking supplies.

Guilds and Factions

Each faction contains a collection of floors for their people to live on. The Bond of Silver has the first four living floors, the Chamber of Onyx has the next four floors, the Ancient Mystic contains the next four, and the Sentinel Circle has the final four floors before the shopping floor.


The ship is made entirely of metal with electric panels built into the interior. Greenhouses and water systems are designed to have access to the best resources and artificial lighting that helps the plants grow.

Table of Contents

Federation Alliance Headquarters

by Amelia Nite (CreArt)

Diameter: x1/17
Mass: x1/3
Gravity: x1
Atmosphere: Normal
Day: 24 hours; Year: 365 Days

Founding Date
4th of Sihm, 2257 EoND
Orbital, Station
2.5 million
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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