Operation Hidden Ice

Operation Hidden Ice is a detailed mission designed by the Courts to force Jack Arric into a dangerous and potentially heartbreaking situation. While Jack despises the contents of the digital text recording, he knows he cannot back out of it. The Courts has trapped him into committing an act that would jeopardize his marriage to Kěith Cheonsa.


The mission's contents instruct Jack to lure his assistant into a relationship with him, slowly earning his trust to collect evidence on the assistant to see if he is the one stealing from the Representative's bank account that holds all the soul credits available.

Document Structure

Publication Status

The recording is hidden away, kept out of sight by everyone except for the Courts. Jack knows where the recording is, but the Courts refuse to let him see it or even show it to Kěith after he finds out. This only makes Jack question the contents of the recording.

Legal status

It is unknown whether the recording is real or falsified to force Jack into submission. Jack wants to figure out the truth, so he hires a thief to break into the Courts' head office in the country, Maaldorei of the Ilurat Expanse.

Historical Details

Public Reaction

When Jack is discovered by Kěith to be cheating, he struggles to get his husband to understand. Kěith becomes distant and has divorced documents drawn up only for Jack to refuse to sign them, wanting to prove that the Courts are pressuring him into something that makes him uncomfortable. Kěith refuses to listen to Jack.


Jack's relationship with Kěith is on the verge of crumbling into nothing. He can't bring himself to forgive the Courts for what they have done. If he can't get his husband to understand what happened before it's too late, Jack will lose everything he's built up for the last 1,000 years.

Table of Contents

Contract, Private
Digital Recording, Text
Authoring Date
Klufusius 8th of EoND
Signatories (Characters)

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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