Scourge Roach

TW: Katsaridaphobia (fear of roaches)

The scourge roach is a giant cockroach that seems docile at first. They are a giant variation of the average-sized cockroach only 30x bigger. Used for only one purpose, the scourge roach is great at cleaning up trash and battlefields. Recently, they have become a problem in major cities due to the abundance of trash, making it hard for people to live their daily lives.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Scourge roaches can be found sifting through trash at night but they are often found in sewers or people's basements. They prefer warm, damp areas, and can easily die if left in the cold. Their dens can be located by the softball-sized fecal pellets they drop.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivores, and will occasionally delve into cannibalism in times of famine. But most of the time, they will scavenge trash, eating thrown-out food and even the occasional soap and toothpaste.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They can be found anywhere on Inerth, but are mostly common on the continent of Eromas, an eastern continent north of Fliophias and west of Cleoyomul.

Average Intelligence

The roach doesn't seem that intelligent, avoids most interactions with other creatures, and sticks to being nocturnal. On the off chance that someone does interact with a scourge roach, one can tell they are dense and only forage for trash.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

They can host a plethora of parasites and diseases, but the most common is a parasitic thorny-headed worm and abbanus plalitas.

Table of Contents

5 years
Conservation Status
These roaches have a "kill on sight" order due to their size, sheer number of a colony, and the ability to carry deadly diseases.
Average Length
1.5 ft (48 cm)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tan to almost black, and it has two dark, roughly parallel, streaks on the pronotum running anteroposteriorly from behind the head to the base of the wings
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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