The Eternal Spider

The Eternal Spider is a pendant of the Coven of Selobo, a religious artifact designed to embody the Eternal Hybrid and his teachings of guarding all insects and arachnids. Only elite members of the coven are allowed to wear such devoted pendants, a sign that they are in charge of keeping order hold the strongest connections with insectoids.


The pendant is made of a rare form of black onyx stones and ruby gemstones. The intricate carving of the onyx is rare and only seen in the far reaches of the Omega Leporis system, close to where Eternis Port is located. On the head of the spider is a small ruby gem about one centimeter in diameter with the larger ruby gem located on the spider's abdomen and about three centimeters in diameter. The pendant can be seen hanging from a silver chain necklace.

Arcane Effect

Each pendant is enchanted with insectoid spells designed to thwart or kill an enemy. These spells can be powerful, and nearly undetectable from the highly trained eye. Minor enchantments are stored in the smaller ruby with major enchantments in the large ruby. Both the major and minor enchantments can be cast once per day without expending any arcana. The enchantments can always be replaced with different arcana spells, but no more powerful than the previous spell.

Enchantment Examples

Minor Enchantment Description
Spider Web The skill to create a sticky webbing with one's fingers. The webbing is made from silken strands stronger than most metals.
Spider Stalk The ability to climb walls and hang from the ceiling without needing a special climbing tool.
Major Enchantment Description
Spider Venom A powerful, toxic venom that causes necrosis in its victim. When the user casts this spell, they grow spider fangs and can use them to bite their target. One bite is capable of injecting 14 ml of venom into the target.
Spider Wrap Similar to the spider web spell, this skill gives the user the ability to wrap their target in silken threads strong enough that a plasma cutter is needed. The strength of the webbing causes the victim to lose consciousness due to lack of air, and can potentially kill its victim.

Table of Contents

by Amelia Nite (CreArt)

Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Owning Organization
Very Rare
Pendant length: 8.4 cm
Large Ruby diameter: 3 cm
Small Ruby diameter: 1 cm

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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