Song of the Stone Dreamer

The Song of the Stone Dreamer is the founding text of the Church of the Awakened, and the first book of its scriptural canon. It contains the words spoken to pilgrims of the Human Remnant in the ruins of Triarch in 5124 AT (7 CR), by a mysterious figure known as the Stone Dreamer. Though incomplete, due to scribes being unprepared for the slumbering dreamer to wake and begin to speak, the Song and its themes form the backbone of church theology and theosophy.


The rock beneath bears the weight of the world, yet never does it bow.
In silence, it stands, unyielding and true, though the storms rage and howl.
In the heart of the mountain lies wisdom untold, for those who seek to know:
He who builds upon the stone shall not falter, though the winds of change may blow.

  The earth is deep, its secrets well-kept, by roots that bind and bones that rest.
Those who dig with reverence find, the treasures of the ages blessed.
But he who strikes with reckless hand, shall find the stone a stern demand.
The mountain speaks not in the tongue of men, but in the stillness of the land.
[SSD 1:37]

Date of First Recording
5124 AT


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