System: C-Foroon
Sector: Arkanis
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Coordinates: R-16
Description: C-Foroon was a planet in the Arkanis sector of the Outer Rim.
C-Foroon was remade into the throneworld of the Besadii kajidic in the last century of the Old Republic. Subsequently, this planet was the center of a thriving spice smuggling business during the years surrounding the Invasion of Naboo. At one point, the planet was also owned by Gardulla the Hutt (and harbored for a time her daughter Decca's center of operations), but was taken eventually by Jabba the Hutt during the Imperial Period. The Desilijic takeover ruined Besadii fortunes in the Arkanis sector.
Wookiepedia Link: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/C-Foroon
World Type: Throneworld (Besadii/Desilijic Hutt Clans)
Physical Information:
Class: Terestrial
Societal Information:
Immigrated species:
Besadii kajidic - Durga Besadii Tai's criminal empire
Desilijic kajidic - Jabba Desilijic Tiure's criminal empire
Primary language(s): Galactic Basic Standard
Affiliation: Hutt Cartels (Besadii, Desilijic)
Major Exports: Spice, Black Market, Construction Materials, High Technology, Low Technology, Luxury Goods
Major Imports: Armor, Black Market, Droids, Foodstuffs, Fuel, High Technology
Star System