Midnight in Marsember

"It really is awfully kind of you to walk me home," she said warmly.   "Think nothing of it," I warmly replied. "It wouldn't do for such a beautiful lady to walk the streets of Marsember after dark."   Marsember was a treacherous place at the best of times. A pretty girl alone in the streets in the dead of night would be lucky to last a few minutes, and that was without the obvious rattling of my companion's jewellery. Many of the dregs of the city knew to stay out of my way, but frankly I was just as eager to get to her house as she was. Once we were inside, I could be sure there would be no witnesses.   When she had first walked into the tavern, all eyes had turned on her. She was young, dainty, and obviously rich. Her golden rings shimmered in the low light, but what caught my eye was the purple scarf around her neck. Anyone in Cormyr would know it meant she was looking for love. She couldn't be from Marsember – no local that rich would travel to this part of town unaccompanied, and no one with any money to speak of would step into The Drunken Mutt. She had painted a target on her back, and everyone in the tavern was looking to stake their claim. I had three things most of them didn't: initiative, looks, and charm. The first pre-empted my competitors, the second caught her attention, and the third got her talking.   Over drinks, the conversation flowed smoothly. It seemed she was grateful for the company. She told me she had recently moved to Marsember, into a mansion owned by her late uncle. She had spent much of her life on some remote country estate and was unaccustomed to life in a bustling city. I couldn't tell if she was from the rural nobility, or just the daughter of some rich swirlcloak homesteader, but I supposed it didn't matter too much. What was far more obvious, and far more important, was that she had expensive tastes and seemed able to indulge them. If she wore fancy silks and extravagant jewels out on a walk around town, what riches could be awaiting in the mansion she had spent the last few tendays stocking up? I had to know, I had to have them.   It was easy to keep her talking. Before she knew it, it was well after dark. The tavern had gotten much quieter, and the remaining patrons, ugly sorts, seemed more and more interested in my quarry. I think she could feel their stares. She seemed to be getting a little antsy. Inwardly I smiled. Getting to this stage was usually the hardest part. In mock surprise I suddenly 'noticed' how late it was getting, and apologetically offered to walk her home. She eagerly accepted. As we moved towards the tavern's exit, I gave a subtle gesture to the dregs still staring at the girl. She's mine, I told them.   "Well, here we are!" she cheerily announced, snapping me back to the present. We stood in front of a large, dilapidated estate. Lit only by the moonlight, it loomed over us. The walls peeled slightly, the windows were dusty, the roof slanted unevenly. "I know it's not the prettiest at the moment," she said embarrassedly. I smiled to myself. It already looked far nicer than anywhere I had lived. The girl looked around nervously, and then looked into my eyes. "Would you like to come in?" she tentatively asked.   "Oh, I wouldn't want to impose," I said with feigned humility. "Spending the evening with you was already more than I could ask for."   She smiled warmly. "Oh no, come in, I insist!" she insisted. "In fact…" she looked around nervously again, as if she was still worried we were being followed, "maybe you could spend the night here? I'd feel positively awful leaving you to walk around alone so late at night!"   "Well, if you insist," I 'conceded,' smiling. We approached the door to her mansion, hand in hand. Turning away from me for a moment, she produced a hefty set of keys, bringing them towards the many locks on her front door. Eventually, with a big clunk from the final latch, the door swung open, and we stepped into the building's dark foyer. Even in the low light, I could see the sparkles and shines of golden metal. This had all paid off already. As I marvelled, the door slammed shut behind us, leaving us in darkness.   "Shouldn't we light a few candles?" I questioned.   "In a moment," she calmly responded. "I'll just lock up first. I wouldn't want anyone to try and force their way in while we're standing here!"   "Oh, very… prudent," I said.   She turned back towards the door, once more fiddling with her many keys. I smiled. Now was my chance. Silently approaching her, I pulled out the dagger I had kept concealed under my shirt. Her back was still turned to me, she still fiddled around with all her ridiculous locks. I loomed over her, raised the dagger in my hand, and plunged it into her. Blood trickled down her back as she lurched forward towards the door.   I smiled to myself. That was clean kill. Professional. She didn't get the chance to scream. My smile dropped as she stood back up and slowly turned to face me. I expected a look of horror, of betrayal. Instead, she grinned. Her eyes glowed a pale yellow, and her teeth… so many sharp, sharp teeth. My eyes wide, I stepped backwards, and backwards, until I stumbled to the ground.   "It really was awfully kind of you to walk me home," she said, and she lunged at my throat.


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