Chimera Species in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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"In the time before time, when the world was still rock and void, the great spirits arrived. They danced through the great expanse of stone, wildflowers springing up behind them with every step. As great forests grew they slipped through the trees, singing countless tiny beasts into life in the undergrowth. They climbed the crumbling spires of the old-world, nameless even then, and stared up at the stars newly formed in the sky.   Then they gazed upon what had been created, and realized something was missing. Humanity had appeared, working their own will upon the world. The spirits looked between them and their creations; the many beasts who could not speak, and these new beings who could not understand.   With a sweep of a paw, they cast their power across Yrdde, taking up the essence of the craftiest cat, the wisest hawk, the strongest bear, and the loyalest wolf. To this they added the bright spark of humanity, and the first kin was born." - The First Kin, Unknown


Chimera history and legend is recorded and passed down by Clanmothers, respected elders who spend their remaining years teaching the children of their clan. Details of the Chimera creation myth vary, but they all involve a group of mysterious beings called the Great Spirits. These Great Spirits created the first chimera, named the kin, by blending animal characteristics with the soul of humanity, usually for the purpose of protecting the order of nature. Chimera do not typically worship these beings, as most believe they have left Yrdde behind in search of another place to spread life. Chimera clans tend to make offerings to nature itself, hoping to influence the outcome of a hunt or the success of a farming season.   There are four primary chimera clans: Cat, Wolf, Hawk, and Bear. Hostilities are rare between the clans, as they tend to live in wildly different parts of the world. Individuals typically get along, though there are some stereotypes and racial insensitivities that tend to crop up. As far as most humans are concerned, however, chimera are chimera.  


There are two primary types of chimera: Pure and Half. Pure chimera are far more animal than human, and are rarely seen in Human society. Half-Chimera display a more tempered blend of human and animal characteristics, and may have animal ears, eyes, or other more subtle features.   In most clans, pure chimera are seen as a blessing upon their family. They tend to be more popular than their kin, and are usually groomed for leadership. Half-Chimera aren't shunned in any way, as they are far more common, but it's very common to see half-chimera wearing furs or getting tattoos in an attempt to accentuate their non-human features.   In the Empire, chimera are met with suspicion if not outright hostility. While half-chimera might find a precarious place in Imperial culture, often as second-class citizens, pure chimera are typically relegated to secluded colonies or wandering clusters of airships, far away from imperial scrutiny.   The Free States are generally more accepting, though this varies from city to city. Regardless of affiliation though, the further from the civilized center of the world the safer it becomes for those who do not fit into normal society. In the far fringes of the world, there are more important things to worry about than the physical features of your neighbors, after all.  


Chimera are given their first name several years after their birth, as many children do not survive their early years. Families are large, and are not always blood related. Children are often given from one family to another, and these transplants are not considered any less a member of their host family. Chimera of a family all share the same last name, and generally keep them after marriage, though in the rare cases where a chimera and a human are bonded, they tend to take on the traditions of their human mates.   Religious beliefs vary between clans, and those that have chosen to live in close proximity to human settlements tend to combine them with Human beliefs. Worship of the Emperor Eternal is all but unheard of, however, due the Imperial Pantheon's teachings. There are scant few easier ways to start a fight with a chimera than by claiming that their ancestors were mutated humans.  


For the majority of chimera clans, trade and other dealings with human society is key to long-term survival. For this reason, chimera children learn Imperial at an early age. Clans that are very remote tend to only have a half-dozen individuals who speak Imperial, on the rare occasion a trade caravan or Imperial patrol stumbles across their land.   Each clan has its own native language however, and they incorporate animal sounds and bodily gestures that humans are incapable of replicating. For example, two cat chimera are capable of carrying out an entire conversation through nothing but the movement of their ears and tails. Some humans have attempted to learn and record chimera language, to little success.   Chimera written language uses pictographs and symbols, typically carved into wood or stone, or painted on hides and cloth.  
"I was invited to a banquet at the Imperial Academy once. Some sort of archeological dig had uncovered a chimera clan's burial site, along with a plethora of old-world artifacts. Half the Explorer's Guild was there, as well as a delegation from the Clan whose land had been torn up. Decent people, if a bit stuffy. I was five drinks in, trying my best to ignore the lecture going on at the head of the table, when some blueblood in a starched Navy uniform said my neighbor looked pretty respectable for a 'magical mutation'. Let me tell you, those shiny teeth aren't for show." - E Dawnstrider


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