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Crimson's Perch

From Fire We Fight

On the windswept plains of Yrdde’s far eastern frontier, where the sky-sea seems to bleed into the horizon and the very air hums with aetherial energy, lies a ruin unlike any other. Atop a grassy bluff, surrounded by shattered chunks of stone, rests a solitary sentinel of crimson and steel.  
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The site was first discovered by an Imperial scouting party several centuries ago. They'd been dispatched to chart the eastern edges of the world, seeking potential resources and attempting to discover new sky-lanes, when their airship was caught in a sudden squall, blown miles off course.   As they emerged from the storm, their navigators disoriented, they stumbled upon a scene that defied both their maps and their understanding of the Old-World: a lone, crimson-hued airship, unlike anything they’d ever seen, resting atop a grassy knoll surrounded by the crumbling remnants of ancient stone structures. The air around the site hummed with a strange energy, a mixture of pure aetherial radiation and the unsettling silence of a long-forgotten battlefield.   Human remains, bleached bones jutting out from the rocky terrain around the bluff, lie in their hundreds. No weaponry, uniforms, or any other hint as to these people's identity has ever been uncovered. The Imperial scholars sent to this location have, uncharacteristically, were unwilling to disturb these remains any more than necessary and outright refused to bring any samples back with them. As the years and decades passed, interest in this location has waned, and the current Empire has shifted their interest and resources to more warfare-oriented affairs.   A number of scholars and archeologists attempted to set up a permanent research post near this location, but their funding requests were met with strong rejection. Further attempts were planned, but these individuals either retired, moved on to other sites, or were lost during routine explorations.   Few have dared venture to the Crimson's Perch since its initial discovery. The remoteness of the site, the expense of hiring a seasoned airship crew, and the pervasive sense of unease that clings to the site has kept most scholars, adventurers, and treasure-hunters at bay. But nagging curiosity about the airship's unique design and unknown origin occasionally draw forth a daring expedition. Most turn back after a few days, those that continue rarely return.  

The Crimson Airship

The airship itself is an aerodynamic marvel, its sleek lines suggesting speed and agility beyond even corsair vessels, its once gleaming hull now dulled and pitted by the passage of time, but the scarlet paint still clings to its surface. Intricate paintings adorn its wings, but they depict no known Imperial symbols or runes, adding to its mystery. Its cockpit remains sealed, resisting all attempts to force entry. A gaping hole in its undercarriage suggests a catastrophic impact, yet the vessel rests upright, defying gravity and the erosion of centuries, and perhaps a stubborn refusal to fully surrender to the passage of time.   Around the crimson vessel, stretching out across the windswept plain below the bluff, lie scattered ruins – foundation stones of toppled towers, fragments of what might have been walls or fortifications, all crafted from a type of concrete, resisting the elements with an eerie durability. Burn marks and small craters dot the exposed surfaces, hinting at a possible conflict in ages past.  
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Preliminary Report: Excavation Site E-9,   The site designated E-9, more commonly referred to as “Crimson's Perch,” is located on the far eastern edge of the Imperial territories, situated on a grassy plateau overlooking a vast expanse of what appears to be largely uninhabited, uncharted land.   The primary feature of the site is an unusually intact aerial vessel, painted in a distinctive shade of crimson. The design differs significantly from any known Imperial craft, past or present, lacking traditional sail configurations and possessing an aerodynamic shape unlike any recorded in our archives. This, coupled with the unique materials used in its construction (a blend of metallic alloys unknown to contemporary metallurgy), strongly suggests an origin from the ███████ Old-World ████████ ████████████.   Surrounding the vessel, scattered across a wide area, are fragments of ancient structures— foundation stones, broken walls, and piles of rubble, all displaying a degree of resilience that suggests a highly advanced concrete-like material further reinforced with unknown metallic elements.   Noteworthy Observations:   Sealed Cockpit: The vessel’s cockpit remains tightly sealed. Despite employing several conventional and yrddestone-powered cutting tools, we were unable to breach its entry hatch. Through the glass a humanoid form is visible, as well as what appears to be a metallic device emanating faint ████████ fluctuations.   Missing Armaments: No external weaponry or defensive systems are evident, though the presence of several mounting points and recessed compartments suggest the vessel was once armed.   Energy Signature: A faint but persistent aetherial signature emanates from both the vessel and the surrounding ruins. Further analysis suggests a confluence of elemental energies, particularly a strong presence of ████ and ████████, which may have contributed to the site's remarkable preservation over centuries.   Recommendations:   I strongly advise against further excavation or attempts to breach the vessel at this time. The unusual energy signatures, the potential for activating unknown and possibly hazardous defense systems, and the need to preserve the integrity of this unique site warrant extreme caution.   It is my belief that E-9 represents a discovery of unprecedented historical significance. It may hold vital clues not only to the technological advancements of the ████████ but also to potential dangers lurking in the uncharted territories beyond Imperial control. I recommend the immediate establishment of a permanent research outpost to monitor the site, conduct thorough analyses, and develop more refined protocols for safe exploration and retrieval of any artifacts within.   I further request the assignment of a Runemaster skilled in deciphering Old-World script to assist in translating the carvings adorning the vessel's exterior. These markings might shed light on its origin, purpose, and potentially reveal valuable insights into the lost technologies of the ████████." -Dr. Aethon, Imperial Archaeological Society, Personal Logs redacted at Emperor's request


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