Dwarf Species in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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"In the time before time, when the land was molten and the sky was ash and fire, the Mountainsmith sang. With hammer and pick he dug, carving the bones of the earth. With molten rock he shaped riverbeds and valleys. The sweat from his brow fell with every swing, and as it hit the steaming earth it hardened into ore and gemstone.   He then looked upon the work he had wrought and was content. However, as he inspected his craft he felt a growing emptiness within himself. There were none to marvel at his craft, to share in the burdens and joy of creation. He retrieved his pick and began to dig until he reached the ever-burning molten center of the earth, the Stoneheart.   With a mighty swing he sheared off a tiny fleck of stone from the core. With hammer and tongs, he shaped the stone, imbuing it with his own spirit, his love for craftsmanship, and his desire for companionship. As the Mountainsmith hammered, sparks flew from his anvil, each spark a fragment of his own being. These sparks coalesced, taking form and substance, until they stood before him as the first dwarves. Short in stature, strong of limb, and with hearts as unyielding as the stone from which they were born, they were the children of the Mountainsmith, destined to inherit his love for the earth and his mastery of craft.   And so, the dwarves spread throughout the mountains of Yrdde, carving homes from the stone, delving deep into the earth for precious metals, and creating wonders of craftsmanship that would endure for millennia. They became the guardians of the mountains, the masters of craft, and the keepers of the secrets of the earth." - The Stoneheart Song, Unknown


Every dwarf colony contains a solid stone pillar hewn from the depths of the original dwarf hall. Written upon it is the foundation myth of the dwarven race, the Stoneheart Song. They believe that a god named the Mountainsmith brought the dwarven race to life so that they could marvel at the beauty of Yrdde and learn to create their own great works of art. Their myth does not mention the other races, something that has caused a bit of friction between dwarven religious scholars. Several possible explanations have been put forth, the most popular being that the other races were earlier, less refined creations made as a sort of practice.    


The dwarves of Yrdde are known for their short stature, typically standing about four to five feet tall. They possess long, pointy ears and typically have prominent bone horns protruding from their foreheads, which vary in size and shape from individual to individual. These horns are often seen as a symbol of strength and resilience among their kind. Not all dwarves are born with these horns, and those born without horns are often seen as an unlucky sign for their families. Dwarves have sturdy builds, with broad shoulders and muscular arms, suited for their laborious lifestyles. Their near-human appearance has led many Imperial scholars to theorize that the Dwarven race is a less mutated branch of humanity, akin to Chimera but more 'palatable'.  


Traditionally, dwarves prefer to keep to their isolated colonies nestled in the far eastern regions of Yrdde. These colonies are often built within and below the vast forests of Luminaria. Here, they craft magnificent structures and intricate machinery, showcasing their exceptional skills in engineering, metallurgy, and stonework. Dwarven settlements are meticulously organized and well-defended, with technology rivaling that of the Empire with none of their reliance on magitech.   Despite their preference for isolation, some adventurous dwarves venture beyond their homeland to explore the wider world. These individuals often integrate into human societies, adopting local customs and traditions. To better assimilate, some may even choose to shave down their horns, although this practice is not universal.   In human lands, dwarves are generally respected for their craftsmanship and engineering prowess. They enjoy more rights and privileges compared to other non-human races, such as the Chimera, and are often valued for their contributions to trade, technology, and the arts. They are magically deaf, unable to utilize even the most basic of magical skills, but are also incredibly resilient to any magical effects. This can both aid and harm, as they can withstand many magical attacks with ease but cannot be healed by magic.
made in midjourney


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