Frostwatch Settlement in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Frostwatch stands as a testament to resilience, nestled within the heart of the formidable mountain range that divides the continent. The city, a marvel of architectural ingenuity, is carved into the very rock of the mountains, its structures seamlessly blending with the natural contours of the high-altitude landscape.   In the center of the city stands the massive Frostheart Citadel, the heart of the Free States. Countless structures surround it, and the city itself stretches deep into the mountain stone below. These structures are built with practicality and endurance in mind, with resilient materials chosen to withstand the harsh mountain environment. Cascading waterfalls, created from the perpetual ice and snow that blankets the region, add a touch of ethereal beauty to the cityscape.   Frostwatch's strategic location at a high altitude provides natural defenses against aerial assaults. The rarefied air makes it challenging for airships to navigate directly to the city, while the jagged peaks surrounding the city act as both natural barriers and vantage points for defenders.  

Locations of Note

The Hearthfire District

Carved deep into the mountain's heart, this district is a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers illuminated by the warm glow of hearths and lanterns. The air is thick with the scent of woodsmoke, roasted meats, and spiced ale, offering a comforting respite from the icy winds that howl outside.   Here, families gather around communal hearths, sharing stories, laughter, and warmth. Workshops and forges line the tunnels, their rhythmic clang a constant beat day and night. The district's taverns are bustling with life, filled with the boisterous chatter of travelers and locals alike, seeking solace and camaraderie in the face of the harsh environment.   Despite its warmth and lively atmosphere, The Hearthfire District bears the scars of Frostwatch's turbulent past. Whispered tales of battles fought within its tunnels, of families separated by the storms, and of heroes who stood against the Empire's tyranny are woven into the very fabric of this district's identity.  

The Skyborne Spire

Rising from the highest peak of Frostwatch, the Skyborn Spire is a beacon of hope and survival. This towering structure, constructed from gleaming ice and reinforced with sturdy metal supports, pierces the clouds like a frozen spear and is visible for miles. Within its icy walls, the Free States Council convenes, their voices echoing through the grand chamber as they debate the fate of their fragile alliance.   The Spire is a marvel of engineering and magical ingenuity. Yrddestone-powered heaters keep the interior surprisingly warm, while enchanted windows offer breathtaking views of the surrounding mountainscape. The Council Chamber is adorned with banners representing each of the major Free State colonies that has voting rights.   Reaching the peak of Skyborn Spire is a treacherous journey, requiring a perilous climb along icy paths and treacherous bridges. However, the view from its summit is said to be breathtaking, offering a panoramic vista of the Free States' territory and a glimpse of the vast sky-sea that stretches beyond.  

Stoneperch Waycastle

Located on the highest peak overlooking Frostwatch, The Stoneperch Waycastle is a fortified outpost and watchtower that serves as the city's first line of defense. From this vantage point, guards can survey the surrounding landscape for miles, keeping watch for approaching enemies or any signs of danger. The Waycastle is exposed to the full force of the mountain's harsh weather, with biting winds and blinding snowstorms a constant threat.   The guards stationed here are a hardy and dedicated group, accustomed to the solitude and the harsh conditions. They are skilled archers and trackers, able to spot even the slightest movement in the vast expanse of the frozen wilderness. Not only are they on constant lookout for attack, they are also often called upon to rescue the many caravans and lone travelers who wander off the marked paths to the city.   In addition to its defensive role, the Waycastle also serves as a vital communication hub for Frostwatch. Using a combination of signal flags, flares, and trained messenger birds, they relay messages to and from the Citadel, ensuring that the Free States Council is kept informed of any developments in the surrounding territory.


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