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Haven's End

Carved within the colossal, weather-beaten skeleton of a long-dead skywhale, Haven's End drifts listlessly through the vast sky-sea. It is a wandering haven for those who operate outside the bounds of society—a den of smugglers, pirates, rogue mages, and those seeking refuge from the scrutiny of the three great factions.   The story of Haven's End began with a desperate gamble. A band of smugglers, their airship crippled by a sudden, violent storm, found themselves adrift, hopelessly lost and facing dwindling supplies. Just as hope began to fade, they spotted it through the driving rain: the colossal, sun-bleached skeleton of a sky-whale, its bones piercing the clouds like the ribs of a forgotten god.   Seeing a chance for survival, the smugglers, led by the cunning Captain Corvus, guided their battered ship into the shelter of the sky-whale’s gaping maw. Using salvaged parts, they reinforced the massive ribcage, patched holes in the skull, and slowly, painstakingly, began to build a haven within the whale’s remains.   Word of their discovery spread through the whispered networks of smugglers and pirates, drawing others who sought a safe port, a place to repair their vessels, and a black market for their ill-gotten goods. Over the decades, Haven's End evolved from a makeshift refuge to a thriving black market haven, one enforced and protected by an army of mercenaries and Hunter's Guild agents.  


Law and Order

Life in The Leviathan's Maw is one of freedom and chaos. Rules are loosely enforced, and disputes are often settled with a fistfight or a duel in the shadowed alleyways. Despite this, an unspoken code exists. Murder and theft are outright banned, as is any act that disrupts the fragile peace of the town and its day-to-day operation. Those that break these laws are hunted down and punished severely. The local militia protecting Haven's End do not believe in second chances, and are always looking for an excuse to send troublemakers on a one-way trip into the open sky.  


While it is well within the ability of all three major factions to destroy Haven's End, the town has carefully positioned itself as a valuable resource for all. During war time, it was a popular location for seeking out and hiring privateers and other even less savory mercenaries. Now, in a time of fragile peace, agents of the major powers are less common, but can still be spotted from time to time. Some within the Empire have attempted to crack down on the town's operations, but the powerful and influential tend to have unique tastes. For those with enough money, Haven's End can give you nearly anything you'd want and the privacy to enjoy it.  

Locations of Note

The Leviathan Whale

The skeleton, once belonging to an immense beast far larger than any living specimen, serves as both foundation and protection for the town. Its cavernous interior, shielded from prying eyes and the worst of the sky-sea's weather, provides ample space for airship docking, workshops, residences, and illicit ventures. The ribs, some spanning hundreds of feet, create natural pathways and support structures. The porous bone, remarkably resistant to fire, provides a degree of insulation and sound dampening.  

The Maw

The skull of the sky-whale, perpetually locked open in a silent scream, forms the entrance to Haven's End. It is a vast space capable of holding multiple airships with ease. A constant stream of smaller vessels weave between the giant teeth, ferrying visitors from ships waiting in the open sky beyond. Docking inside the skull itself is reserved for ships carrying delicate cargo or important passengers. Rope bridges and walkways criss-cross the upper teeth, providing a pathway for workers and a vantage point for the town's mercenary guard.  

The Blubber & Bone

The heart of the town is the Blubber & Bone, a rowdy tavern built into the skull of the great whale. Its bar, carved from a single polished rib bone by the legendary Captain Corvus himself, is lined with barrels of smuggled liquor and ales brewed from rare ingredients. Tables and chairs salvaged from the original smuggler ship litter the tavern floor, and stories of daring exploits and tall tales of hidden treasure hang thick in the smoke-filled air. Corvus and his crew often hold court here, tossing out bottles of wine and ale to those who can spin the grandest tale or boast the loudest, an event that often ends with the swift draw of a blade.
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