Human Species in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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"Before the rise of the Eternal Empire, humanity was scattered and fractured. They were a collection of warring tribes, consumed by petty squabbles, and preyed upon by the monstrous creatures that roamed the untamed wilds of Yrdde. They lived short, brutal lives, ruled by fear and superstition, with no knowledge of the grand destiny that awaited them.   Then, from the chaos and bloodshed, a figure arose like a blazing sun, destined to illuminate the path towards a glorious future. A warrior of unmatched strength and cunning, chosen by the gods themselves to lead humanity to greatness.   This warrior saw the potential within his fragmented people. He knew that their strength lay not in division but in unity. With a fiery conviction and a righteous fury, he rallied the tribes to his banner, promising them a future free from fear and strife. He crushed those who resisted, forgave those who pledged their loyalty, and instilled in his followers a sense of discipline, order, and unwavering devotion.   He banished the monsters to the darkest corners of the world, tamed the wild magic storms, and established a dominion of peace and prosperity. With the world safe from darkness, he then ascended to the highest peak of the world, where the sky-sea met the heavens, and there, in a blaze of divine fire, he communed with the gods. From their ancient power, he forged the Imperial Pantheon, a collection of deities who embodied the virtues and aspirations of his people. And at the head of this pantheon, he took his rightful place as the Emperor Eternal, the divine embodiment of human unity, strength, and order.   Once the foundations of the Eternal Empire were secure, the Emperor Eternal bestowed the earthly crown upon his son, entrusting him to rule with wisdom and justice. Then, in a final act of sacrifice and devotion, he vanished into the uncharted north." - A Brief History of the Empire, A. Thorne


Recorded human history dates back more than three thousand years. Pre-Imperial humanity was scattered across Yrdde, living short and brutal lives cut short by wild beasts and rampant magic storms. The first Emperor waged a decades long war, eventually unifying all of humankind under a single banner.   For hundreds of years the Empire remained strong, expanding to the very edges of the known world. The Sanctum-Empire war would eventually lead to the decay of the Empire, as countless towns and cities broke free of Imperial control.   The three largest human factions are: the Tervalkyre Empire, the Sanctum Alliance, and the Free States.  


The Tervalkyre Empire

Citizens of the Tervalkyre Empire are typically fair-skinned, with a wide range of hair colors. Many families of noble blood are known for their hair color, typically of a bright red hue. Attire varies between the classes, but is generally designed for comfort and protection before asthetics.  

The Sanctum Alliance

Citizens who can trace their bloodlines back to the founders of Sanctum usually have pale skin and dark hair. The majority population of Sanctum is very similar to the Empire in appearance, due to the city-state being an Imperial colony for hundreds of years. Sanctum attire shares many similarities with Imperial fashion, but is often accentuated with holy talismans, amulets, and other religious items.  

The Free States

Citizens of the States are incredibly diverse, as every sentient being is welcome in State territory. Even the military has no set uniform or standard for appearance, as it seems the only thing every citizen of the States have in common is a desire to be free.
made in midjourney


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