Imperial Arbiters Profession in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Imperial Arbiters

Arbiters are the lifeblood of the Empire, the thin line of defense that keeps the Imperial holdings from falling into complete anarchy. Picked from the many noble houses of the Empire and trained from an early age, the average Arbiter is a scholar of Imperial law, a learned historian, and an expert fighter. Once trained they are sent out into the world to keep the Imperial peace at any cost. The Arbiter's word is supreme and final, only the Emperor themselves are above the law.  


The Academy of Law is a highly guarded school of learning housed in the heart of Skyepoint. Typically several hundred students are trained at the same time, and of these hundreds more than fifty percent will end up failing out at some point. Training is brutal, a merciless combination of physical and mental evaluations designed to crush all but the most dedicated and devoted. A failed Arbiter is a black mark upon the Emperor himself, so the many teachers at the academy are given complete jurisdiction over their charges. Fatalities during combat training are common, typically resulting in a large disbursement being paid out to the affected family for the loss of their scion.   Arbiters are expected to memorize the entire Imperial legal system, as they are often charged with meting out justice in far-flung locations where they are the only real authority. Some find this a bit ironic, as once they've graduated and become true Arbiters, their vaguest whim is considered law. While many Arbiters deal with their various challenges within the legal framework, some simply resort to violence at the earliest convenience.  


Arbiters are expected to wear the official uniform of their station as often as possible. It consists of a black military uniform, a cloak bearing the Arbiter's pin, and a heavy magitech weapon. Once in the field, however, most arbiters alter their uniforms to better fit in with the local population. They tend to hire local mercenaries as protection, only revealing their true nature when a crime must be dealt with.


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