BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Ruby Wing First-Year Syllabus

College of Imperial Arcana Department of Pyromancy
  First Year Curriculum   Instructor: Highmage Valerius   Term: Autumn Equinox to Winter Solstice


Course Objectives:

  To instill in students a foundational understanding of fire magic principles, cultivate safe and controlled manipulation of flames, introduce basic runecraft for amplifying fire magic, and foster a mindset of discipline and respect for aetherial power.  

Week 1 Schedule:


Day One: Aetherial Theory & History (Lecture Hall)

Introduction to the Aetherial Flow
Elemental affinities, the risks of magical exhaustion, the five Pillars of Magic, and the ethical responsibilities of wielding power.  
Historical Overview of Fire Magic
From ancient fire worship to modern applications in the Empire, including a sobering analysis of catastrophic magical mishaps and a mandatory viewing of "The Immolation of Valdar," a cautionary tale of a fire mage consumed by his own ambition.  

Day Two: Pyromantic Practice I (Training Yard)

Summoning & Controlling Flames
Practical exercises in summoning, extinguishing, shaping, and directing small flames, with an emphasis on precision and avoiding unintended combustion of fellow students or Academy property.  
Rudimentary Fire Spells
Instruction and practice in casting basic fire spells, including "Spark," "Ember," and "Heatwave." Close supervision by instructors and ample supplies of healing salves are provided.  

Day Three: Runecraft for Fire Magic (Rune-Scribing Chamber)

Introduction to Runic Principles
Understanding the basic principles of runes, their historical use in manipulating magic, and their application in enhancing Fire spells.  
Basic Fire Runes
Students will learn to identify, carve, and activate three basic fire runes, with a focus on precision and avoiding potentially disastrous mishaps (see historical overview of magical mishaps on Day One).  

Day Four: Pyromantic Practice II (Combat Arena)

Fire Magic in Combat
Supervised sparring sessions utilizing basic fire spells, defensive maneuvers, and strategic integration of Yrddestone foci for boosting power and mitigating the risks of exhaustion. Emphasis on precision, discipline, and minimizing collateral damage to both sparring partners and the Arena (repairs are costly, cadets).  

Day Five: Aetherial Ethics and Imperial Service (Lecture Hall)

Ethical Considerations
Discussions on the responsible use of fire magic, avoiding unintended harm to self and others, and understanding the Empire's guidelines for magical application within civilian and military contexts.  
Guest Lecturer
A prominent member of the Arbiter Corps will discuss the applications of fire magic in law enforcement, interrogation (primarily for informational purposes; unauthorized use of fire magic on fellow students will be severely punished).  

Additional Requirements

  Daily meditation and visualization exercises to strengthen one's connection to the Fire element and control of the Aetherial Flow.   Regular written assignments analyzing historical accounts of fire magic and formulating strategic applications of recently learned spells within hypothetical scenarios.   Maintaining a passing score on weekly written exams and bi-weekly practical evaluations to assess progress and ensure continued eligibility for training (failure to maintain standards will result in reassignment, potential expulsion, or, in particularly egregious cases, transfer to the janitorial staff responsible for maintaining the notoriously flammable Yrddestone storage vault).    
Note: This is merely a preliminary syllabus. Adjustments may be made at the discretion of the Highmage or by decree of the Emperor's College Board of Supervisors.


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