The Magic of Yrdde Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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The Magic of Yrdde

Magic is integral to the very existence of Yrdde. It keeps the land floating in the sky-sea, helps creatures of all types navigate safely along the wind currents, and breathes life into every corner of the world. For each and every one of its hidden, subtle forms, however, there exists violence and chaos in equal measure. A soul attuned to magic can burn, freeze, or poison at a whim, and vast storms of magical radiation sweep across the sky-sea, killing or mutating anything they envelop. Over the centuries the various creatures of Yrdde have learned to survive this powerful force, and in some cases wield it.  

The Laws of Magic

Like every other natural force, Magic has rules that it works within. While it is capable of doing amazing things, it cannot do everything. Paracausal items are the sole exception to this rule, though they are rare enough to be considered myth and legend.   Equilibrium
Magic has a strict balance. For every action performed using magic, there is an equivalent cost to be paid. This can be in physical, mental, or magical energy. Spells drain the energy of their caster, or the energy stored within their focus, if applicable. Healing magic drains a considerable amount of energy, and can even open wounds or cause illnesses if the healed injury was serious enough.
Elemental magic resonates with spells of similar energy, and with a like environment. For instance, water magic cast near a flowing river or in the middle of a rainstorm is less taxing and easier to manipulate. The opposite is also true. A mage casting fire magic in a thunderstorm would find their spells far more tiring and likely to rebel against them.
Magic is also amplified in locations where magic naturally converges. These nexus points are places of great power, but also of great danger. Mages in these locations are capable of slinging spells for far longer than they otherwise would be able to, but the magic itself is far less predictable. Paracausal phenomena and strange magical creatures are also attracted to such areas.
Magic ebbs and flows with the natural cycles of Yrdde. Seasons and celestial events directly alter the potency and cost of many schools of magic. For example, plant and earth based magic is stronger in spring and summer.
The strength of a caster's willpower directly affects the potency and stability of their magic. A distracted mind can lead to miscasted spells, and the potency of targeted magic is tied to the connection to the chosen target. Healing spells are more powerful when used on a loved one, and damaging spells are more effective when used in anger.


When certain types of gemstones are exposed to concentrated magic over long periods of time, they become Yrddestones. They are a sort of magical battery, absorbing and storing vast amounts of pure magical energy. They are typically found buried deep within the earth, or sometimes found on the exposed surface of small islands that have broken away from larger landmasses.   Yrddestones are a vital part of modern society. They are used to power anything from airships to air conditioning to weapons of war. Even the smallest of stones can be used for countless years before they begin to fail, and larger stones can power entire cities. The type, grade, and size of a stone dictates what it can be used for. Smaller stones are typically used for handheld devices, like magictech pistols or focusing devices for mages.   Yrddestone Focus
A focus is a catchall term for anything that contains a small yrddestone used to amplify a mage's natural ability. Traditionally these are in the form of rings, amulets, or other jewelry, though theoretically anything that can hold a stone in place can be used as a focus. The stones themselves must be carefully etched and altered to suit this purpose, a task which is equally dangerous and complex.
  Yrrdestone Corruption
Through forbidden rituals, blood sacrifices, and other nefarious acts, yrddestones can be twisted and imbued with dark power. These stones can be used to amplify dark magic, such as the transformation of blood itself into a weapon, or in extreme cases, the sapping of life-force. However, the use of corrupted yrddestones comes at a steep cost, as tainted magic has a damaging effect on its users' very soul.
  Yrddestone Sickness
Repeated and excessive use of yrddestones can lead to profound psychological effects, manifesting as auditory hallucinations and disturbing dreams. Mages who overindulge in the stones often report hearing strange whispering voices, speaking words that defy translation and become muddled when attempting to transcribe them.   In addition to auditory hallucinations, many of the afflicted experience recurring dreams of a deep, endless night sky. Over time, these psychological effects can worsen, leading to paranoia, anxiety, and even full-blown psychosis if left unchecked. Many venerable mages have ended their careers locked in their quarters, too afraid to step outside lest the stars above find them.

Magitech Creations
Magitech is the science of combining magical concepts with cutting edge Imperial technology.

Physical objects, sentient and otherwise, exposed to magical radiation.


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