Yrdde Geographic Location in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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Yrdde is a world of breathtaking landscapes, with a vast sea of cloud-filled sky, three major continents, and countless floating islands. These islands vary in size, altitude, and climate, with everything from towering mountain ranges, dense forests, expansive deserts, and lush valleys. Many have their own self-contained micro-climates and are ringed by unique, unnatural weather patterns. Blankets of magical radiation, while rare in the modern era, still sweep across the world in unexpected storms that send sentient beings scattering for shelter, lest their bodies be altered by the raw and unstable energy.  

The Sky-sea

made in midjourney
The Sky-sea is the most common name for the boundless expanse of air that stretches between the three continents of Yrdde. It is enveloped in a dynamic and ever-shifting cloudscape. Wisps of clouds, ranging from fluffy cumulus to thin cirrus formations, float in the open air. Sunlight and moonlight filter through the clouds, creating breathtaking plays of light and shadow. Thick banks of fog drift across the world, making navigation challenging.   The Explorer Guild has charted hundreds of safe skylanes, setting up navigation beacons and securing islands that can hold repair and resupply outposts. Many beasts have adapted to these lanes, traveling along it themselves or preying upon the constant traffic.  

The Far-sky

made in midjourney
The depths of the sky-sea quickly become deadly to all but the hardiest creatures. As air pressure increases with depth, any attempt to descend too far without adequate protection results in catastrophic consequences. Some believe that beneath the clouds lies a vast, unexplored continent filled with untold riches and resources. Others claim it contains the realm where the souls of the departed find their eternal rest. In the learned halls of Skyepoint, some scholars speculate that the Far-sky is not just an endless expanse but a gateway to other dimensions. Those who descend might find themselves in entirely different realms, possibly the source of the strange ruins left behind by the ancient precursor civilization.   Sailors that have ventured closely to the Far-sky, whether on purpose or due to mechanical failure, speak of eerie whispers that echo through the clouds. These voices are believed to be the murmurs of ancient entities or lost souls trapped in the Far Sky. Others claim to have seen the entities that patrol the lower depths of the Far Sky. These entities, known as Storm Reapers, are said to be relentless hunters of any intruders, and some superstitious sailors are known to make offerings to these mysterious beings in the hopes of being granted smooth passage through the skies.  

Continents of Yrdde

Vesperia is located on the eastern edge of the mapped world, and is by far the largest solid landmass ever charted. Considered to be the birthplace of humanity by modern historians, it is now home to the capital city of the Tervalkan Empire, Aetheris, as well as countless cities and towns. It has a mostly temperate climate, and hasn't seen any serious radiation storms for hundreds of years.   Zenithia isn't one single landmass, instead a closely packed grouping of hundreds of islands of varying sizes. Some are spread out enough to barely be visible, while others are close enough that a brave soul could jump between them. It is home to the capital city of the Free States, Frostwatch, as well as many independent city-states such as Nivora. The climate varies greatly across these lands, the closer to the middle of Yrdde the lower the temperature becomes. The largest solid landmass at the center of Zenithia, which is home to the city of Frostwatch, is caught in a nearly endless snowstorm, the weather only breaking to allow bursts of magical radiation to pass over the land.   Luminaria is a large continent that stretches across the western edge of the land. Only the eastern edge of the continent is permanently inhabited, where the holy city Sanctum is located. Imperial scholars believe that the far west of Luminaria holds the final resting place of the Emperor Eternal. The lands to the far west are lashed by magical radiation and strange weather events, making permanent surface settlements rare. In the deep forests of the continent, however, hide the extensive Dwarven colonies. Great structures made of wood treated to protect against the deadly weather sit astride the massive trees, and vast networks of tunnels stretch below. Few humans have ever made the journey and returned to tell the tale, but the ones who do speak of incredible technologies that rival even the Empire itself.


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