Seemingly bathed in perpetual twilight, Redwardine serves as the industrial heart of Etrana. Skyscrapers line the skyline amidst the smog, amongst various factories and cybernetics workshops.
Inhabitants of Redwardine must wear masks and respirators to navigate the mostly run-down streets of the city, while buildings are usually well-filtered. Far less surveilance roam the streets, however. Police mainly patrol the factories and workshops as a deterent to keep away theives and wanna-be rebels. The gap between the elite and working class is quite stark in Redwardine, with quite the criminal underworld among the shadows.
Inhabitants of Redwardine must wear masks and respirators to navigate the mostly run-down streets of the city, while buildings are usually well-filtered. Far less surveilance roam the streets, however. Police mainly patrol the factories and workshops as a deterent to keep away theives and wanna-be rebels. The gap between the elite and working class is quite stark in Redwardine, with quite the criminal underworld among the shadows.
Large city
5,000,000 - 6,000,000
Inhabitant Demonym