Sarah Lecarda Character in The Astral Division | World Anvil
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Sarah Lecarda

Special Temporal Agent Sarah Lecarda

Hey YOU!
You jump in shock and see a human woman standing not too far from you in a black trench coat. Almost as if reading your mind, she walks right up to you. Before you can babble out a response she gets right up into your face.   
I get watching what everyone is doing but can you do it somewhere else. We have actually work we are trying to do here and don't need you nosing around in here. 
You stammer out why your wandering around.  
Not good enough. I should take you in for interrogation. 
This lady must be crazy.  You're certain of it, but you keep up you're bluffs and ask about what she means. She laughs
You were wandering around like a lost puppy. If I didn't know better you were a spy, but that unlikely who would impersonate someone from Communications. They don't have access to anything.
It's sad but true. But why did she try to scare the living daylights out of you. Well since you're here you might as well talk with her. She wearing a guisewear around her wrist, but inactive. In typical agent fashion she is wearing a long black trench coat with some add flair to identify that she is part of the takeseconds

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

If she is as trained as she says she is then understanding her strengths and weakness would be a good idea.    What are you trained for in combat?   
Hand to hand combat, small arms, and stealth. While I have dabbled in a lot of things, I have been trained to be a silent weapon and can appear when you least expect it. As I should in this day in age. 

Mental characteristics

Personal history

What is your story? 
You ask as if everyone has one. Me, not so much. I'm a division baby, born and raised here, so I don't get out much... Actually I get out way too much. I wasn't raised as what you would say normal and I think of many of the people here as my family. It gives me an edge to see who isn't from here.  
She was born here. You can't imagine that being the case. You haven't seen any children wandering around and certainly people talking about it. There has to be more to it.   How long have you worked for the division?    She raised an eyebrow at your question then pauses for moment before responding.   
I don't really know. I've always helped around here, but I am not even sure what my age is... I'll have to get back to you on that.


What do you do as a an agent?
Normally we act as observers in local affairs. If we suspect that an foreign anomaly is present then a team is gather and sent to the location. For a brief period of time, we watch and wait for the foreign anomaly to resurface. Command then will determine if we should intervene or let the alteration occur. Rarely do we let an alternation occur, but some change very little, so the damage is minimal. 
What about as a STA?
I am the exception. I work completely alone and will alter events. In dire situations, the reality has been alter to much to perverse or our efforts have failed. As a result, I am sent into deal with the conflict. I am allowed to interact with the locals and even revel my objective if I deem it necessary. Command gives me full autonomy to work. STAs are the last resort. In a case where a major foreign anomaly will occur, I could be sent to create a minor anomaly to avoid the major one. It's a balancing act, but it's up to the Central Office to decide to send me in. 
Where do you go for your missions? 
Most agents have a time, universe, and location they are trained to endure. STAs are the exception. We are trained to enter any environment and blend just as well. For example if I enter a world that is just talking fish then I will become a talking fish. This keeps the natural order safe and our work secret. So that leaves me with having to go everywhere.
Any favorite place?
That's hard... Hmmm... I would say this noir world that had a 1920s (Earth culture) feel. But this world had magic, so I got to play around in a more modern setting with magic. And everyone is really dramatic which makes me seen normal. 
Current Location
Astral Division

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Character Portrait image: by Viktor Miller-Gausa


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