BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

session 3


The party traveled to the city of Nethrune. On their journey, they encounter the ethereal wraiths that try to trick sailors into walking off of their boats and falling to their deaths. When getting to Nethrune, they docked their ship and headed through town meeting a plasmoid in search of servants for his new kingdom named King Fluxspire. They gave him money for a sending stone, and many joined his round table and promised to find him again. eventually heading through the town and to the outskirts of a deserted part of Nethrune they found the Elysium Temple. There the party talked with the guardian of the temple and god himself.   the god told him what he knew about the devourer and to try and speak to the warden of the Devourer who was taken over by a group of selfish smallfolk named at the time the gith.  

Session 3:

The party is wanting to make their way to the city of the githyanki but they are unsure currently if that is what they are looking for. If heading into the town they could ask for a new map or even go and ask some of the librarians about the gith and the dead god their town rests on.   when walking through the town they would head back through the market where they would encounter a strange tent that had a sign that said fortune telling on it, and it would be an encounter with a clairvoyant. The clairvoyant would be a young cosmic aasimar that is wrapped in white and purple robes and can read people's fortunes. If the party decides to walk in the young man would be kind and a little timid, his name is Aetherius and he explains that for just 2 silver each, he could read their fortunes and what it looks like for them.   The party when walking in you would realize that the room itself is pretty dark and only dimly lit from some areas, it also seems like the curtains close in a lot closer in the tent, hiding what seems to be like a back area, where you would hear whispers coming from behind the curtains.   If the party were to talk to the young man's hand there would be different fortunes for each:   Nahia- You're future is bright but beware as there is something that has latched itself onto you. If left alone I see this small entity growing inside of you until it consumes you whole.   Valenna- You're future is full of knowledge. I see that in your quest for the unknown your faith in what you think you know leaves you vulnerable. Look closer in for new knowledge.   Dirth- You're future is peaceful, but understand that your quest for peace will leave you making rash decisions. I see in your future having to decide on whether to save your happiness or that of others.   If the party somehow manages to get to the back room, you would see that there are posters and a smaller circle of individuals sitting around. the room is covered in posters, paintings, and drawings of people including a crude drawing of Addelynne. The party would end up finding the name on the posters with the black symbol of the cult The Chosen of Oblivion.   If they were to try and capture one of three individuals to interrogate the person would laugh at them and say "Embrace oblivion, for within its depths lies liberation and true power." and then he would seem to inject himself with a syringe of pure black liquid and from there turn into a voidspawn.   Battle: If a battle breaks out inside or outside of the tent, at the end of the battle the vanguard would show up to ask questions as to what happened, why they were there, and why they decided to fight the creature. they would be met by a familiar Capitan of the Vanguard Capitan Demiil. He would be frustrated but recognize you all as people who get caught up in this sort of mess. He would strongly advise the party to keep to themselves in this situation and go about their day and that this is not an adventure they want to entangle themselves in.   If the party decides to try and look more for this cult they would not find it, but looking through the maps on the tables and the papers they would find a couple of things:
  • a map of the astral plane with drawn on stars in certain locations but none that are on any of the cities themselves
  • more of the texts and drawings one of the devourer like creature that would show its face
  • pages of text that is written in ancient primordial that would some what be read as "the key must be found, find the key, find the guardian of the key, destroy it"
  • and then a page with In a realm where life's breath is naught, there lies a place of eternal stillness, devoid of sound and motion, where even time itself stands frozen this would included with the deciphering of the stars on the page would point to a direction on the map where the cult would be lurking.
  Leaving Nethrune: On their way out of the Nethrune, the party would assumingly be heading to Tu'narath, the capital city of the githyanki. Getting there would be some pretty crazy encounters because eventually, they would be heading outside the jurisdiction of the Federation and into open territory this is where there are more pirates and anarchy amongst those who travel here.   The Encounters: space pirate group led by a Kalashtar man named Captain Sylara, along with details on his crew members on the Nebula Marauders Captain Sylara: is a mage that carries himself tall with a wide brimmed hat and dashing eyes. Sylara is not one to immediately attack but when he is intrigued by a group he will approach.   Species: Kalashtar Background: Former scholar-turned-pirate captain Abilities: Proficient in psychic abilities and astral projection Personality: Intelligent, strategic, and compassionate, with a strong sense of justice and protecting her crew   Sylara is not evil he usually is trading along routes and when he feels like another boat has over taken his route, he will approach and warn them to leave especially if the other boat is also a trading boat. He would not strike first, but would give the boat three warnings before he would fire on the ship and try to board it. The encounter could also end peacefully if the party were to try and strike up a deal with Sylara on trade routes or for money.   The Mimic Ship When traveling through the astral plane the party members could come across what seems to be an abandoned ship floating through the void. On the ship, the party members would see large barrels of treasures, boxes containing food, and seemingly no one around.   If the party members were to try and board the ship when getting close the ship would begin to creak as its bow would begin to open into a wide gaping mouth as they would come face to face with a mimic ship.  

The Silent Expanse:

The Silent Expanse is a desolate and eerie landscape within the Astral Plane, where a secretive group of cultists dedicated to the Devourer have made their abode. The Expanse is an endless void, devoid of sound and filled with an oppressive stillness that permeates the air. It is a place where time feels suspended, and the very act of breathing becomes unnerving. Ghostly wisps of ethereal energy drift aimlessly, casting pale, flickering light upon the shadows that seem to shift and writhe. Within this realm of haunting quietude, the cultists reside, carrying out their dark rituals in a macabre devotion to their otherworldly master, the Devourer. Their presence can be felt, even in the stillness, as whispers of malevolent intent linger in the air, leaving visitors with an unsettling sense of being constantly watched and judged. The Silent Expanse serves as both a sanctuary and a stronghold for the cult, where they delve deeper into their sinister practices and draw power from the void itself, perpetuating their allegiance to the Devourer and spreading their influence throughout the Astral Plane.   getting there would take almost 10 to 20 days where the party would have to stop in places and there would be a lot of leveling encounters. some encounters include:   Meeting with the Giff Confederation The Giff confederation has jurisdiction over certain areas of the astral plane where the federation does not. The Giff confederation does not like Federation ships in their area or those who have not been authorized by the confederation to be in this jurisdiction.   this encounter would include more diplomacy and if there were to fight the Giff they would become wanted by the confederation and in their jurisdiction. Does not mean they can't enter but they would be known.   Piracy at its highest look at the encounter in Tu'narath   the Jellyfish fields The paarigty is going to have to navigate its way through a minefield of Stellarith (space jellyfish) this would be a mid-level skill check to try and get out without getting caught in the jellyfish   if the jellyfish end up catching the boat, it will try to hit the boat and knock the people off of it.   landing in Tempestora   King Fluxspire you find a floating castle similar to the one fluxspire told them about, if they were to stop they would not be able to him inside. He would be hiding due to a creature found inside of the castle that is very dangerous.   close or near Tu'narath   Veridora (a new element of crystallites) like earth genasi but better   Talindra (home of the cosmic aasimars and dieties)   The floating flea market

Getting to Tu'narath:

The capital city is violent and dangerous, and it often does not welcome guests so the party would have to try and find a way to sneak in to the city to try and speak with the god. Obviously the best place to connect with the god if there is no temple is through the mind or the heart so they would have to make their way to either place. The party could enter through on of the legs and encounter the The Shadow Market: In the heart of Tu'narath, the party stumbles upon a hidden underground market, shrouded in darkness and secrecy. The market is filled with dangerous individuals, smugglers, and dark entities. They must navigate through a maze of dimly lit alleyways, encountering shady figures and avoiding deadly traps, all while trying to accomplish their objective without drawing too much attention.   This is where the party would meet different faces of Githyanki, shifter merchants, auotgnomes, warforges, and Thri-kreen pirates. If they were to try and ask around to get information they would find more information about the Cursed Catacombs that lay underneath the city that haven't been touched in ages. The catacombs become over filled and Vlaakith saw no use in keeping more bodies than needed. If they were to travel through the Catacombs then they could search for either a temple or a passage way into the mind of the god. Many people here believe the god to be dead entirely because of Vlaakith taking power from it.   The Cursed Catacombs: In the outskirts of Tu'narath lies a network of ancient catacombs filled with restless undead. As the party explores the dark tunnels, they must face off against hordes of skeletal warriors, spectral guardians, and necromantic traps. The catacombs are maze-like and haunted, with shifting corridors and illusions that challenge their senses and wits.   In order to get into the catacombs the door is sealed by a riddle written in primordial that must be answered: In shadows I dwell, silent and deep, I come to all, my presence they keep. Life's constant companion, forever unspoken, Embraced by some, feared and often awoken.   Though feared and misunderstood, I have my place, A natural part of the mortal embrace. So tell me, my friend, what am I, in truth? A riddle of existence, the inevitable truth.   Answer: Death   What they can find in the catacombs: The players could find some healing potions in one of the open chests, about 20 gp depending on what rooms they go into, and some of the minor stuff like a map of the city and of the dead gods body.   after fighting the deathlock the players would find in the room that she was in, there seemed to be a tunnel that we was guarding, at the top of the tunnel they would find inscribed into it Through the head of the divine, a passage untread, The threshold awaits, where the living meets the dead. this is where they would be able to slick through and find their way to the head of the god.


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