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Session 4: Landing in Tempestora

Session 3: Landing in Tempestora Report

Last Session:

the players had traveled from Nethrune after battling some of the cultists of the devourer. After deciding to travel to Tempestora for a rest and to figure out more of what the map entails, they know that the settlement is having trouble with its temporal gates to the different elemental planes and are unsure why.  


The party has come face-to-face with another pirate ship, the pirate ship is decked out with feathers that help it stay afloat within the astral plane and adorned with a blue flag with an eye within the middle of it surrounded by symbols.   space pirate group led by a Kalashtar man named Captain Sylara, along with details on his crew members on the Nebula Marauders Captain Sylara: is a mage that carries himself tall with a wide-brimmed hat and dashing eyes. Sylara is not one to immediately attack but when he is intrigued by a group he will approach.   Species: Kalashtar Background: Former scholar-turned-pirate captain Abilities: Proficient in psychic abilities and astral projection Personality: Intelligent, strategic, and compassionate, with a strong sense of justice and protecting her crew   Sylara is traveling with his first mate, Dezik the Aarakocra that used to be a part of the party's crew. the two stand on the edge of the ship to survey the ship they have come across with Dezik recognizing his old crew mates in a bit of surprise. He would know of the invitation and chose to ignore it as he thought they would never really get back together and he didn't really want to anyway after finding his new crew and staying there. The captain would introduce himself and essentially say that they didn't want any trouble but were interested in the ship since they had never seen it before. Tempestora: The party will land in Tempestora on the docs of the water plane, on this island this section of the city is called Pearlstrand where many of the water genasi, Tritons, Nereids, and marids among others who have lived in the plane of water, among some of the other genasi and inhabitants.    

Other Parts of Tempestora:



The earth city of Temepestora is called Stoneshroud where the earth genasi, fey eladrin, and other smaller earth elementals and Gollum who walk through this city.   This city would mostly be covered in farmland and have many markets for food, herbs, medicines, and even some parts of helping to build architecture.    Some of the notable homes:    The Enchanted Garden- home to a young earth genasi name Garnet who runs the shop, she would sell healing potions, oil of slipperiness, potion of comprehension, and potion of fire breath and whatever they might ask for.   The Rockhaven Tavern- Owned by a small earth elemental who stands on top of the bar to take orders, he is stout, and stubborn, but offers anything to anyone at a good price.   The Sacred Halls of Sunnis- The earth temple within Stoneshroud where Elder Monadnock and it is a shrine to the Princess of Good Earth Creatures, Sunnis who was a gentle individual who treated her servants as cherished children. Despite her kindness, she was not passive and was no less opposed to evil than her fellow Princes of Elemental Good. Standing in the center of the shrine is an hourglass that constantly fills with sand showing the constant passing of time in the astral plane.   The earth city is run by Elder Opal Monadnock who is a bit more stoic than the rest of the elders. when asked about the issues with the gates she would say it would be caused by one of the other elders as a scheme to cause chaos but she is unsure of her claim and thus has not come out about it.  


The air city is called Aetheria where the air genasi, sprites, hippogriffs, and even some pegasi would be seen within this city and roaming around. This city would be mostly covered in what would appear like windmills, many types of schools, and academies where this city would prioritize education and scholars compared to the others.   Notable locations would be:   Seraphim Sanctum- This is a school for scholars and intellects to study and look for more information. Most of the information they have would be on their own elemental plane including the other planes, the information on the technology of the gates and how they work, the creation of their city, and some ancient texts about the elemental plane of air.   Bahamat's Citadel- The air temple within Aetheria where Elder Kalani Lovric lives and resides. The Citadel is a temple with beautiful and elegant buildings with simple furniture and no embellishment or adornment. Those temples had meeting rooms where followers could gather to plan their next campaign against Tiamat, and a few smaller rooms where individuals could pray, meditate, or rest in privacy.   Mechworks Hub- This is where a small group of technomancers stay and work to help maintain the gates, many of them come from Mecanoth but have decided to live in Tempestora to help maintain the gates. This is run by a xion by the name of Vex who leads the group of technomancers.   currently, they have no clue what is happening with the gates but they explain three things:   How they work- The gates work by pulling ethereal energy from the astral plane to create temporal rifts within the plane itself, once the rifts are created they use the gates to stabilize them and lock them onto a location. the gates ensure that the rifts stay open but also ensure they don't get bigger and cause an interdimensional hole in space.   The problem- something is eating away the power source that powers the gates, the ethereal energy is collected like a batter and is stored in energy tanks within Aetheria that then power all of the gates from there. Lately, the batteries are draining faster than we can collect energy but they are unsure of what could be eating energy like that.   Elder Lovric would believe that what is happening to the gates is much bigger than just Tempestora, as he has heard rumors of something growing within the darkness but their scholars have not been able to find any new text on what it could possibly be. He does not know about the devourer and would be confused by the name.  


The water city is called Pearlstrand where many of the water genasi, Tritons, Nereids, and marids among others who have lived in the plane of water, among some of the other genasi and inhabitants. This city would focus on travel with many of the docs and ports along with water travel through the city and to other parts of Tempestora where they would meet with the other elders.   Notable locations would be:   Pearlstrand Port- this is where all of the spelljammers would dock and those would enter Tempestora, there would be a portsmith and a few other crew helping to doc ships and even clean and repair them for a cost. The port if run by Mivis Naramath a triton.   Transportation tubes- This is a smaller area near the temple that would have large tubs where those can ride to get through the city almost like public transportation. This is run by a Nereid named Melite and she is bubbly and kind to everyone who would like to ride the tubes. at each of the stations in the different places is a different nereid who watches over the transportation tubes and helps those use them.   Temple of Timelessness- The water temple within Pearlstrand is where Elder Tiberius Kideli lives. This temple is built in honor of Istishia, The Water Lord, God-King of Water Elementals.   This is where the party would meet up with Nerysas and Orion and they would be happy to see the party again. They would escort the party to the Temple of Crystalline Waters where they would meet with one of the Council Elders of Tempestora Elder Tiberius Kideli. Elder Kideli would thank the party for visiting Tempestora and would offer them a place to stay within the temple while they are on the island. They would each get their own room. Elder Kideli would not know what is going on with the gates but is worried what could happen if they lose their ability to get back to their planes could cause more panic.  


The city of fire is called Emberholme where many of the fire genasi, Janni, and even some mephits would walk around this city. This city focused on production where many of their buildings focused on weapons, tools, and even armor with many of the blacksmiths. The city also focuses on energy working with both the water and air cities to produce energy to keep the city functioning.   notable locations would be:   Forgeheart- This is one of the larger smitheries in the city carrier weapons, armor, tools, and other items the party might be looking for. They all come with a price of course and time if the party were to request new items. This smith would be run by Shosemis The Bold a Janni who lives within Emberholme.   Halls of Amaimon- This is the temple of the fire city which is dedicated to Amaimon, King of the Azer, had no specific palace but traveled with his court from tower to tower (the azer were marvelous metalworkers and built grand towers scattered about the plane), holding feasts and fetes with dancing. Elder Cyrus Hennigar lives within the temple and works to ensure that Emberholme remains peaceful.   The Gates of the Elemental Plane of Fire- This is the gate that allows those to travel to and from the astral plane this is where the problems are coming from for each of the cities that have their own gates to their own respected planes.   Emberholme is not as well-liked amongst the other cities because some of the denizens of the other cities still believe that many of those who come from the elemental plane of fire still worship Kossuth the lord of Flames who is known for his tyrannical ways yet it is not true.  

The Problem:

  With the batteries being drained so quickly the union believes that either something is eating at the ethereal energy or stealing it. In order to steal it, however, someone would have to have some serious power in order to collect it without our technology and handle it without essentially being consumed by the energy themselves.   Some of the elders are beginning to suspect one another for stealing the energy but none of them have come out and said it, in fear of sparking a war within Tempestora. However, because the batteries are located in Aetheria, their gate has not been closed off as much because they are able to have a closer connection to the batteries which is making the other elders paranoid that it is him who is stealing the energy.   Elder Lovric also has a very noticeable scar across his face that shines with an ethereal energy that he would explain that he got when helping the technomancers originally create their batteries. The other elders and technomancers would know this story to be true and many regret that day as Lovric almost lost his life trying to help them. But that makes him known to be able to somewhat control the energy.   The problem is that there is a giant voidspawn known as a Netherbane that is able to consume both ethereal energies from the batters but also take them from people as well if they were to get close enough. There is one Netherbane that has been lurking in the shadows of the storage facility and if found will attack the party.   Once the monster is found, the batteries will be able to collect ethereal energy like before and the gates over time will be restored to their stable states. and the party would be rewardeded by the elders with free transportation from the planes as well as a single parting gift for the party from each of the planes.   The storm rider's pearl- once per long rest the use could speak a command word to the pearl to erupt a large storm   The Whirlwind Blade- This ring is set with four cloudy gemstones that seem to swirl like a cloudy sky.   the Gauntlets of Tremor- a pair of sturdy, earth-toned gauntlets crafted from the essence of the elemental plane of Earth.


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