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The Guardian

Standing at an impressive height, the Warforged Guardian possesses a sturdy frame of reinforced metal plates, interlocking with precision to provide unmatched durability. Its body, composed of gleaming steel and intricately engraved with arcane sigils, emanates an aura of silent power and silent watchfulness. The Guardian's eyes, pools of vibrant azure radiance, glow with an intensity that reflects its unwavering commitment to its duty. They serve as windows into complex inner workings, hinting at a mind that holds deep knowledge and purpose.   The warforged's limbs, fashioned with precision and strength, move with a fluidity that belies its size. Each joint and connection operates smoothly, enabling the Guardian to exhibit both grace and the capacity for swift, decisive action when the need arises.   Etched upon the Guardian's metal surface are ancient symbols and runes, a testament to Selene's mastery of both the arcane and the mechanical. These intricate markings serve as a conduit for the Guardian's latent powers, imbuing it with a sense of otherworldly energy and fortification.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As the Guardian stands to watch over the Nexus Key, its presence serves as a formidable deterrent to those who would seek to disturb the equilibrium of the prison. It is a testament to Selene's foresight, a creation that embodies her dedication to protecting the multiverse from the Devourer's insatiable hunger.   To encounter the Warforged Guardian is to stand in the presence of a sentinel charged with an unbreakable duty. Its existence serves as a reminder of the unending vigilance required to protect the Nexus Key and the eternal struggle against the forces that seek to unleash chaos upon the realms.   In the Guardian's unwavering resolve, one can feel the echoes of Selene's wisdom and strength, passed down through generations of Wardens. It stands as a testament to their collective commitment to preserving order and safeguarding the fragile fabric of existence from the malevolence of the Devourer.
Current Location


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