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The history of the Astral Plane

The currently is 1983 DR   The Astral Plane has been thriving for the past 500 years with new cities, races, and even religions and factions that are unique to the plane. In the beginning, people were fascinated by the astral plane's beauty and serenity. They came seeking a new life, far from the chaos and danger of their own world. These early pioneers established small communities and started trading with each other, sharing resources and building a new way of life.   As more people arrived, the communities grew and evolved into towns and cities. They discovered that the astral plane was rich in resources, and many people began to make their living through mining and harvesting. These industries created a new demand for transportation, and soon a thriving market for ships and airships emerged.   Over time, the astral plane became a hub for trade and commerce, attracting merchants and adventurers from all over the multiverse. They came seeking rare and exotic goods, and the astral plane provided them with a safe and convenient place to trade.   As the population of the astral plane grew, so too did its diversity. New races and cultures arrived, bringing with them their own unique perspectives and traditions. Some came seeking refuge from war and conflict, while others came in search of new opportunities.   Despite occasional conflicts and tensions, the inhabitants of the astral plane learned to live together in relative peace and harmony. The communities grew into nations, and the nations formed alliances.   For 500 years, the people of the astral plane continued to explore, trade, and build a new way of life. They created a society that valued freedom, diversity, and innovation, and the astral plane became a beacon of hope and prosperity in the multiverse.   The Shattering   In the year 1642 DR, a great calamity struck the Material Plane. The skies turned dark, and a massive storm raged across the lands. The storm was unlike anything anyone had seen before, with winds so powerful they tore buildings from their foundations and flung them across the landscape. As the storm raged on, it became clear that it was not a natural event. People reported seeing strange creatures flying in the sky, and some claimed to have seen magical portals opening up in the midst of the storm. The storm lasted for weeks, leaving devastation and destruction in its wake.   In the aftermath of the storm, it became clear that the world had changed. Entire cities had been destroyed, and many more were left in ruins. The once-great nations of the world were in shambles, their armies shattered and their leaders dead or missing.   As the people struggled to survive in the new world, many began to seek refuge in the Astral Plane. The Astral Plane offered a sanctuary from the chaos and destruction of the Material Plane, and many saw it as a new beginning. Others came seeking knowledge and trade, hoping to build a better future for themselves and their families.   The Astral Plane became a new home for countless people. Some formed new societies and civilizations, while others explored the vast expanse of the plane. But for all who came, the Astral Plane offered a new beginning and a chance to build a better world.   The Astral Exodus   As the Astral Plane continued to grow there were new developments in government, people, trade routes, and overall stability. In response to this influx of population, the Astral Plane underwent a period of rapid growth and development. New cities and towns were founded, trade routes were established, and the economy boomed. The increased stability and prosperity of the Astral Plane drew in even more migrants and adventurers, creating a virtuous cycle of growth and expansion. This event came to be known as the "Astral Exodus," and it remains a defining moment in the history of the Astral Plane.   in 1752 DR the Stellar Federation was formed as a means to protect the stability of the Astral Plane. A coalition of various factions and races that banded together to ensure the safety and prosperity of those who migrated to the Astral Plane. The Federation could be led by a council of representatives from each member faction, with the council members rotating on a regular basis to prevent any one group from gaining too much power. The council could have a leader, such as a president or chancellor, elected from among its members to serve as the public face of the Federation and to oversee its day-to-day operations. This would be led by a well established group of people within the astral plane known as the Astral Elves with Seleneira Silverwing becoming the Chancellor of the Federation to ensure peace.   The Cataclysm    In the year 1894 DR a massive rift opened up in the Astral Plane, unleashing a horde of otherworldly creatures that began to ravage the various civilizations and settlements within the plane. The creatures, known as Voidspawn, were unlike anything that had ever been seen before, with a seemingly insatiable hunger for magical energy.   The Federation, realizing the danger of the Voidspawn threat, immediately began to mobilize its resources to defend against the incoming onslaught. They hastily assembled a military force made up of soldiers from all member civilizations and deployed them to the front lines, they would be known as the Vanguard.    The ensuing conflict was brutal and costly, with many lives lost on both sides. However, the Federation's military proved to be a formidable force, utilizing advanced tactics and weapons to push back the Voidspawn horde and eventually seal the interdimensional rift.   The experience of the Voidspawn invasion led the Federation to realize the necessity of maintaining a standing military force to protect against future threats. In the aftermath, the Federation began to invest heavily in military research and development, ensuring that they would be prepared for whatever dangers the Astral Plane might throw at them in the future.
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